More threads by David Baxter PhD


If we're going to be philosophical and argue if snow was or wasn't part of God's plan may I care to point out (as a christian) that EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS is part of God's plan though as human's with finite knowledge we can't always see the logic behind it.

I quite like snow. What I don't like is what comes before it (or just comes and stays) - i.e. cold rain and gales. Live in Scotland Admin. That's what you'll get!!! and dark dark nights (like gets dark right now about 3.30pm and doesn'tt get light till 8.30am)....Know that feeling.

However, what helps you cope with winter that can be such a trying time for a lot of us. At one time it was a week or two inpatient treatment in November and March but this year (so far) I've managed to avoid the acute ward by simply getting enough rest (the joys of recovery LOL) and using a daylight bulb I got off Amazon. Really helps. Instead of the winter blues hitting like first week in November they didn't hit till like last week :D and like even now I'm wondering if they're being made worse by other stuff (like hormones and not enough rest/being too busy/poor nutrition from being too stressed)..

So how do we cope with winter? How do you cope? How do I cope? We do what helps (so long as it's legal and not self destructive). If that means becoming a facebook addict or a tv addict so be it. If that means living off pasta and sandwiches for 3 months so be it. Know this will pass and it won't e long till summer. It's only a few months.



David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
If we're going to be philosophical and argue if snow was or wasn't part of God's plan may I care to point out (as a christian) that EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS is part of God's plan though as human's with finite knowledge we can't always see the logic behind it.

Those comments were made in jest, Johanino.


Those comments were made in jest, Johanino.

Typical PC liberalised tolerance argument. Tolerant to everyone bar christians :p. I personally read everyone of them and took offence. NOTHING happens by chance. Not even so called 'global warming' (that I personally don't believe in) and natural disasters...


Know this will pass and it won't e long till summer. It's only a few months.



lol I guess it depends where you live. Our Winters are definitely not 3 months long. We generally get our first snow before Halloween and last snow the end of May. I think we can handle the snow/winter just fine, we just like to complain about it. lol :goodjob::snowballs:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Typical PC liberalised tolerance argument. Tolerant to everyone bar christians :p. I personally read everyone of them and took offence. NOTHING happens by chance. Not even so called 'global warming' (that I personally don't believe in) and natural disasters...

Was this a serious comment, Johanino?


Account Closed
Typical PC liberalised tolerance argument. Tolerant to everyone bar christians :p. I personally read everyone of them and took offence. NOTHING happens by chance. Not even so called 'global warming' (that I personally don't believe in) and natural disasters...

Hi Johanino,

I've always been a proponent of believing that Christianity doesn't necessarily preclude an understanding of more scientific approaches to life (environmental issues, global warming etc). Both can and, in my opinion, should co-exist. :)

While we can pray for certain things in this lifetime, there is also a component of our having to be individuals in this lifetime - with all that this represents - science and all. Again, I've never taken the position that one approach necessarily precludes the other. They both have a lot of room in this lifetime.
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