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Hi! I don't really know what to say.

My boyfriend broke up with me about a week ago after 5years. He's 34 and I'm 27. I know I should be happy because there were many things wrong with our relationship. He is physically and emotionally abusive. He would lie about everything from his level of education to what he was doing at that moment. When I questioned a lie he told me I was psycho and threaten to leave me. He made me question everything I was thinking. He pursued other women, although he denies having a physical relationship, and it was my fault because I didn't make him feel good.

For the past year he's had a job where he's had to work every day, so we rarely saw each other. I became upset, lonely and angry, especially when I found out from friends that the time that he did have available to him was spent with everyone except me. I don't know why I'm so upset that we are not together. I find myself apologizing to him and trying to think of ways to make it right. I'm crying all the time, I don't feel like eating or getting out of bed.

It's made me think a lot about my relationships with people. My father began denying my existence when I was 6. My mother is emotionally unavailable. I was close with my grandparents but they're dead. I was not allowed to associate with males growing up. My first relationship was when I was 18 after my mom kicked me out. It lasted 3 years and it was a lot like my current relationship minus the physical abuse. When it ended I became a totally different person and made a lot of bad decisions. I drank a lot, and slept with a variety of men. As a result of my choices I was raped, I got an STD, and now cannot have children. I attempted suicide. I do realize these were all my own choices and I feel stupid. I feel even worse after this more recent breakup. I feel completely empty and abandoned. I feel like I pushed him away and that I'm not good enough. Logically I know I'm being ridiculous, but I can't seem to stop.
I am sorry your feeling so alone right now so abandoned Maybe as you said this might be a good thing for you a new start find someone who is there for you more emotionally and with more respect
Time now to work on you okay perhaps get some therapy to make your self stronger to be on your own for awhile to see just how strong you are.
A therapist can give you the skills you need to make better choices in the future
I know the pain of the loss of someone you thought that cared is still there but in time you can leave that part of your past behind and make a new future for yourself a healthier strong one.


Thank you Violet. I've been considering therapy, but I'm anxious about talking to someone one on one about myself. I have a difficult time meeting new people and interacting. I'm really quiet, and I start getting hot and shaky and turning red as soon as I feel some attention is put on me, even at work with people I've known for 4years. Thats the reason I dropped out of university and am taking school online.
I also have some doubts about how effective therapy would be. I'm not sure how talking to someone helps. My ex was in therapy for a long time for anger management and a variety of other issues and look how he turned out. He's talked about being in therapy, and pretty much what it came down to for him is that you can tell them whatever you want, they are not going to understand because they've never been there. He pretty much played games with his therapists according to him. I told him they were probably more than aware of what he was doing, but hes sure he outsmarted them.
I'm still looking into what resources I have in my area. I know I need to do something either way because I don't want to do this forever.
i know it took me along time to even talk to anyone
i do think therapy can help if you are open and honest and do not play games
You can learn to be more sure of yourself not so intimidated by people
it wouldn't hurt to try and see for yourself how it feels
Sometimes just having someone hear you without judging you helps as well.
For me i don't talk to anyone not even my family so for me therapy is an outlet for my thoughts and emotions
I hope you give it a try therapist will help decrease your anxiety and you will learn to trust him or her okay
one on one therapy is so much easier then a group for me i couldnot take all those people staring at me but that me
take care okay.
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