I haven't told anyone this because I don't want anyone to laugh at me but I have a fear of people not all people like the people who are close to me just people I don't know or feel uncomftable around. I don't know if it's built in my personality or if its a phychological thing as I have been abused by my mother and that might be the cause of why I'm afraid. I don't think there gonna physically hurt me but I'm afraid of what they may think of me and I'm just very aware of people. It's like when I walk down the streets I'm very aware of people always looking around. I'm not afraid of the outside world it's just people in general, but not really people my age but older I spose I don't trust them. I thought my mum might have done this to me as she hurt me and I don't trust her. I'm very self consious and I loose all confidence when I'm around people I don't know or don't feel comftable around. I'm usually alright when I'm with people I know like my friends but I'm afraid to be alone. I think it's hypervigilance but I'm not sure as when I looked it up the description fitted but I don't seem to have the symtoms like not being able to sleep. I would just like to know what I'm going through so please help me.