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Me, rootbeer popsicle, yum! But, will take an orange if no rootbeer ones available.:rofl:


I'm a modern girl. Why make it if I can buy it?!

I can't boil water without screwing it up, so anything else is far too complex.
No fun in buying it.
I want to see the neat reactions of the different chemicals involved.
The neat fizzing and noises it will make.
Also the reaction when the dry ice goes in
Got to watch out for all the pressure it build up though but that could be fun too.
i like the neat stuff i probably won't even drink it lol

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
My parents made a batch of homemade root beer one summer when I was a boy in British Columbia. Best root beer ever. :)

Speaking of "fizzing", anyone remember Fizzies? They were these tablets like Alka Seltzer ("Plop plop fizz fizz oh what a relief it is") except you dropped them into water and they made a carbonated drink just like a soft drink. Different flavors including cola and cream soda, etc., but my favorite was the root beer one. :D


I remember Fizzies, and Pop Rocks, and edible paper, and Fun Dip....mmmmm...and root beer flavoured gummy bottles. They were the BEST.

Barqs still rules the root beer world though.


A&W leaves this weird after-taste, I find. And if there's no caffeine, what's the point of drinking it??? (Actually, my current addiction is....water. Perrier water. I can't drink enough of it. But it lacks caffeine.)
Oh i never had those.
i wish i got to try them that would have been fun. but maybe i just don't remember
MMMM no i think i would remember neat things like that.
I wish they were still around. All kinds of flavors too or rats how did i miss out on that


And you wonder why you have sleep problems?

My caffeine consumption takes place early in the day. I drink little to no caffeine after 12 noon. And I usually only have one latte in the morning.

Humm...I don't remember rats either...what's wrong with us? :eek:mg:
Yuk rat flavor lol. I think all root beer is good as long as it is very very cold. It doesn't hurt to have a little caffeine in it either anything to give a boost to the day.


Yuk rat flavor lol. I think all root beer is good as long as it is very very cold. It doesn't hurt to have a little caffeine in it either anything to give a boost to the day.

Well, I don't know that I would have "anything" to give a boost to the day...but caffeine is definitely a good start.


Depending on your preference...


There is a large difference between drip-brewed coffee and instant coffee; brewed coffee has nearly 50% more caffeine.
  • 330 mg – 16 oz Starbucks Coffee Grande
  • 150 mg – 16 oz Starbucks Caffe Latte
  • 135 mg – 8 oz (approximately 1 cup) regular brewed coffee
  • 95 mg – 8 oz instant coffee
  • 62-64 mg – 1 oz Espresso
  • 2-5 mg – 8 oz regular decaffeinated coffee (brewed or instant)

Those trying to cut back on caffeine should steep black tea for less time or switch to green tea, which tends to have far less caffeine.
  • 75 mg – Starbucks Tazo Chai Tea Latte
  • 40-70 mg – 8 oz regular black tea (the longer it is steeped, the higher the caffeine content)
  • 25-50 mg – 8 oz green tea (the longer it is steeped, the higher the caffeine content)
  • 18 mg – 16 oz Snapple Iced Tea
  • 17 mg – 12 oz Nestea (sweetened or unsweetened)
  • 14 mg – 8 oz Sobe Green Tea
  • 10 mg – 12 oz Lipton Brisk Iced Tea (lemon flavoured)
  • 2 mg – 8 oz decaffeinated black tea

Many people are not aware of the large difference in caffeine between Diet Coke and Coca-Cola Classic, or that drinks such as Sunkist Orange contain caffeine. The comparison below is for standard-sized cans (12 ounces) of soft drinks.
  • 56 mg –Mountain Dew
  • 47 mg – Tab
  • 47 mg – Diet Coke
  • 42 mg – Sunkist Orange
  • 41 mg – Dr Pepper and Diet Dr Pepper
  • 38 mg – Regular Pepsi and Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi
  • 35 mg – Coca-Cola Classic
  • 31 mg – Diet Pepsi
  • 29 mg – A&W Cream Soda
  • 23 mg – Barq’s Root Beer
  • 0 – 7UP
  • 0 – Diet Barq’s Root Beer
  • 0 – Fanta
  • 0 – Sprite and Sprite Zero
Energy Drinks

Energy drinks derive their boosting effect through caffeine; most have a similar amount of caffeine to a Starbucks Caffe Latte.

  • 160 mg – 16 oz Monster Energy
  • 160 mg – 16 oz Rockstar
  • 174 mg – 16 oz SoBe No Fear
  • 152 mg – 16 oz SoBe Adrenaline Rush
  • 144 mg – 16 oz Full Throttle
  • 144 mg – 16 oz Fury
  • 143 mg – 16 oz AMP Tall Boy Energy Drink
  • 100 mg – 12 oz Enviga
  • 80 mg – 8.5 oz Red Bull
  • 47 mg – 8 oz Vault
Chocolate and Other Treats

The amount of caffeine is higher in dark chocolate than milk chocolate, which contains less cocoa.
  • 30 mg – ? cup (125 ml) of Haagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream or Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream
  • 18 mg – 1.45 oz Hershey’s Special Dark chocolate bar
  • 9 mg – 1.55 oz Hershey’s chocolate bar
  • 5 mg – 3 teaspoons of powdered cocoa mix

Medicines often contain large amounts of caffeine. While this is to be expected in NoDoz, for example, many people are not aware that products such as Midol also contain caffeine:
  • 200 mg – 1 tablet NoDoz Maximum Strength
  • 200 mg – Vivarin
  • 130 mg – 2 tablets of Exedrin
  • 65 mg – Bayer Select Maximum Strength
  • 60 mg – Midol Menstrual Maximum Strength
Source: Food & Beverage Caffeine Contents: A Comparison of Coffees, Teas, Sodas, Chocolates and Medicines
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