So I have worked from the time I was 16 to age 50. First as an admin person but 30 years as a web designer which I am good at...or I was good at. I haven't worked in 2 years because of mental health issues. My brain could just not function well enough for me to go back. Three years before that I was in a four car pileup where I basically had to learn how to walk again. I have collapsed vertebrates in my neck, fracture in my tailbone and broken bones in my back. I worked my butt off going to physical rehab for 2 years to be able to feel somewhat better, but am still in so much chronic pain. I applied for a web designer job and the HR said my resume was very impressive and they wanted me on their team. But first I had to design a simple website which years ago would take me 1 hour. Today I sat in front of their computer and I was completely blank. Its like my brain and education and years of experience was gone. I could absolutely not do anything. I was horrified and left the interview in tears. I have no idea what happened. Why did this happen to me? What caused it? I've been trying to get my life my career back. Now what job am I going to get. I am sick and tired of being home all day, and I'm sick of my husband telling me to rest. I am a total failure. I want my income back. It kills me that I am not working. I am getting $ 1500 per month in disability. I used to make that in a week. All I am seeing in my brain is nothing but negative talk, that I'm useless and a loser and worthless. I hate that my husband is the main breadwinner. He tells me to give myself time. Well how much more bloody time do I need. Is this just a mental block? I am really scared so any replies are welcome and appreciated.