More threads by Kobayashi


Not sure if this is the right place to post on this subject, but I'm fed up, angry and frustrated with the care I've been receiving from my so called "Professionals". What's a guy to do?

Here?s the Cliff?s Notes on my roller coaster ride over the past 18 months:

When I first started having issues with my condition about a year and a half ago, I was under the care of my GP who put me on Celexa for what she diagnosed as "depression". I gave it 6 weeks and things just got worse. Fair enough, sometimes meds don't work.

So then she proceeded to put me on Cymbalta because she felt that I wasn't a candidate for SSRI's. So, trusting her opinion, I tried the new meds out, which only made me worse yet again. I lasted another 30 days on this stuff. Then the real fun began??..

Was feeling really crummy by now.

GP didn?t know what to do, so I was put back on Celexa.

A few weeks later - Had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the ER.

Was referred to a Psychiatrist ? This guy diagnosed me with GAD and put on Cipralex.

Did awesome for 6 months!!!! Felt ?normal? ? woohoo!!

Started feeling crummy again.

With the help of these forums I Self-diagnosed with OCD ? EUREEKA!! (Explained symptoms to Psych in more detail - and he agreed. Upped my dosage of Cipralex and added Risperdal).

Still felt crummy. Psych doesn?t want me to change meds?says I need more CBT. (Explained to him that I?ve been doing LOADS of CBT but still feeling like poop.) He tells me ?there is nothing more? he can do for me. Hmmmmmm.

Back to GP for a regular ?checkup?. GP doesn?t like Risperdal?Thinks it?s a bit harsh for the likes of me. I get the impression from her and another GP friend that my Psychiatrist is a bit whacko and likes to overmedicate his subjects.

Feeling a bit lost now.

GP prescribes ?Anafranil? to treat my OCD and increasing anxiety.
Makes me feel worse. (Is this sounding familiar????) Stop taking the anafranil and feel a bit better.

Back to Psychiatrist. I tell him about my GP and the anafranil?Accuses me of ?Doctor Shopping? and dismisses me. I mean actually closes my file and tells me not to come back! (What the hell did I do? I?m just following the advice of my GP!?)

Now I?m in ?No Man?s Land?. No Psychiatrist and I?m not too keen on my GP given all the fumbling. I?m not blaming her, its just that as a Patient, I?m following the advice of my ?Professionals?.

Why is this so frustrating?

I sometimes wonder if I?d be better off without meds. I also wonder if being on Meds has actually hindered my recovery.

Last thing I want to do is seek the help of yet another ?Professional?, then I?d truly be Doctor Shopping.



Well. I just had a bloody huge reply to this post and hit the wrong button and that whole "back" button thing doesn't work to recover a post anymore so I may try again later.
Nothing wrong with doctor shopping when the doctors you have haven't exactly inspired you with faith. I'd say try to find a new psychiatrist, someone who won't be insulted when the medication he/she prescribes doesn't work for your body chemistry.


Dear Kobayashi;
I'm so sorry to hear of your "adventures" with the doctors. What concerns me most is that your doctor and the psychiatrist chose to care about their egos more than the welfare of their patient that is you. However, you don't have to remain a pawn in their game. You have a few options.

One option is that you go back to your GP and tell her how you feel and ask her to refer you to a psychiatrist that she doesn't need to contradict by messing with the medications and instead cooperate and work with him or her to develop the best medication regimen for you. In short, you want a team that puts your well-being first...not their egos.

Second option is finding another doctor. You can always call your local hospital and ask them if they have a mental health clinic. Most of them are staffed with psychiatrists that deal with medication issues, and some perform psychotherapy (thus, eliminating the need for psychologist). It's how I found my psychiatrist and she's been great for me.

I know you must be going through a difficult time right now, but if you can, try to remember that doctors, for all their knowledge and "powers", are still people like you and I and on occasion screw up. Few years ago I had a terrible experience with the staff of my family doctor. I resolved never to go back to her office. EVER! I went to someone else. He turned out to be an even worse nightmare. He totally freaked on me, gave me prescription of a drug I'm allergic to, told me to go back to my doctor and he didn't appreciate me coming around asking him to treat me. (yes, true story...and I spent an hour in my car in the parking lot sobbing) Anyways....I called my family doctor and got her on the phone. I know that she returns calls at the end of the day and I had her attention. I told her what happened and she apologized and assured me that I'll never be treated so poorly again. She kept her word and I'm glad for it. make the long story short.....try talking to your GP and tell her how you feel and where you stand. I think she'll do what she can to help. In the meantime, my thoughts are with you and I'll keep my crossables crossed for you. Let us know how things work out.


Thanks all for the posts. I've decided to go back to my GP and ask her for a referral to a Psychiatrist that she feel comfortable with. Lana hit the nail on the head - what I need is a "Team" of professionals around me that can work together in serving my best interest. Interestingly enough, I looked up the name of the psychiatrist I was seeing on - Unbelievable...There were soooo many entries from people who've been very poorly treated by him, even others who've been dismissed by him. He doesn't have a single positive entry. Scary. My GP on the other hand is VERY highly rated, so I'm lucky in that respect. I know she has my best interest in mind, even though she's stumbled a bit along the way.

Cheers all.

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