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I have many reasons to wonder if my mom suffers from NPD, but chronic interrupting is one I didn't give much credence to - until now. She'll ask me a question, and before I can get the first two words out of my mouth to answer, she either answers FOR me or hammers me with another question. I don't know if it's a nervous habit or learned behavior or what, but it drives me absolutely nuts. She does this to my husband, too, but I've never heard her do it to anyone outside the family. What gives?

Daniel E.
I don't think so:

Chronic interrupting is a trait shared by so many, including some of the nicest, most caring people I know.

How to Listen — Are You a Chronic Interrupter? - Fresh Living

3) The "Interrupters"
These people are ready to chime in at any given time. They are perched and ready for a break to complete your sentence for you. They are not listening to you. They are focused on trying to guess what you will say and what they want to say.
If you are an "Interrupter," make a point to apologize every time you catch yourself interrupting. This will make you more conscious of it.
If you are speaking to an "Interrupter," when they chime in, stop immediately and let them talk, or they will never listen to you. When they are done, you might say, "As I was saying before..." to bring their interruption to their attention.
People do this to me a lot. I think it's because I hesitate when I'm speaking. My mom does it to me and she is NOT an NPD at all.


This is one of those quirks that drives me nuts, but I'm guilty of it as well. I really try to focus on what other people are saying when I'm having a conversation, but sometimes when I am approaching someone who is already in a conversation and I need something from them, without thinking I will blurt out my question. I know in my case it's because I tend to be very nervous around others and get lost in my insecurity, and don't notice when I'm about to do something odd until it's too late. Not always, but I catch myself doing it often enough to cringe haha. And my sister does this to me all the time and I have been wondering if she's a narcissist. She is never interested in what I'm saying and often cuts me off to finish my sentence, usually when I'm still providing the initial context for my story or opinion, and then begins giving her response. She also pretends to listen while giving the most canned, disinterested response possible, usually while doing walking away or beginning to open her laptop....

The point being, I feel ya on the frustration tip.
People interrupt me all the time and I absolutely HATE it, especially since I never do it to them. I was raised to let people finish speaking before I jump in.

It doesn't automatically indicate NPD, but I do believe that it is (usually) a narcissistic trait; the kind that even a "perfectly normal" person can be guilty of. How can it not be? If someone interrupts me, to me that means they're not even interested in conversing with me. They don't wanna exchange ideas. They're not interested in hearing my side. They just wanna talk and not listen. They'll let me talk just enough to give THEMSELVES something to talk about, then it's time for me to shut up. I'm just fuel for their monologues. That's it.

Meanwhile, I'm genuinely interested in what they have to say. I already know my own thoughts and I'm content with expressing them when it is appropriate for me to express them. I'm not so obsessed with my own viewpoints that I can't put them on hold to listen to someone else for once. Jeez.

My ex interrupted me all the time and it was a major problem in our relationship. Major. I don't think it was fair. What makes his ideas so much more important than mine that he can't wait until I've made my point before making his? It's not like he'll f****** die, or the conversation will expire or something, if he doesn't just freaking wait. And I NEVER did that to him. I was raised like this: ALWAYS WAIT YOUR TURN. The most civil, productive, educational and coherent conversations REQUIRE absorbing everything the other person(s) has to say and actually giving yourself at least a split second to THINK about it before jumping in. Even when I was angry, impatient and thought he was being absolutely ridiculous, I waited and listened before I spoke. I think at the very least, I deserve the same consideration and attention that I give. Is it so much to ask, for someone to have MANNERS and to actually GIVE AT LEAST ONE WHOLE DAMN?

Anyway, almost everyone does this to me. Every single day. I wonder if any of the people close to me realize that they know next to NOTHING about me, yet I know their whole life stories. But who am I kidding? That would require thinking about someone other than themselves for a change. But until Hell freezes over, I have no voice. I'm just a humanoid diary. A talking monologue prompt.

And these are perfectly "normal" people, most of them.


MVP, Forum Supporter
These people may be less "normal" than you think, Earthquake. What has been common for us in our background or community group, is not necessarily 'normal' or healthy - just so common or so similar to those we were raised by, that it starts to seem typical. Sorry this has been so common for you.
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