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so for example once a manic depressive tried alot of defferent medication, and its clear that none of them have made much of a change. is E.C.T. an effective treatment

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The short answer is yes - it can be an effective treatment where other treatments have failed. Generally, it is used as a last resort, not a first, but it does work for many individuals.


so how would you go about asking for E.C.T. ive tried so many different medications and yet still i have the major uncrontrolable ups and downs. and when iam up i do stupid things and when iam down i get those intrusive thoughts that make me feel like iam turning into a pervert, and i'd rather anything even death then lit these thoughts take over. but iam almost to worn down to fight them and that scares the hell out of me.

so what should a say to my doctor to bring up E.C.T. as an option?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
That decision would made by a psychiatrist based on symptoms and history. There may be procedures or criteria to be followed laid down by the specific hospital as well.

Your doctor(s) would be in the best position to answer your question, Steven. Ask him/her/them,
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