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I have a girlfriend that i have been dating for a year and a half. I would trust her with anything at all. I am very much in love with her and i know she is with me. But i cant help being very jealous everytime she talks to another guy. She has a friend that she has had since elementry school and he is in the army right now so she talks to him every coulple of days, and i get insanely jealous. I have talked to her and told her how i felt. I want to tell her not to talk to him anymore but i know that is not right. What should i do to stop these feelings. They are realling making me go crazy. Please help.
I have a girlfriend that i have been dating for a year and a half. I would trust her with anything at all. I am very much in love with her and i know she is with me. But i cant help being very jealous everytime she talks to another guy. She has a friend that she has had since elementry school and he is in the army right now so she talks to him every coulple of days, and i get insanely jealous. I have talked to her and told her how i felt. I want to tell her not to talk to him anymore but i know that is not right. What should i do to stop these feelings. They are realling making me go crazy. Please help.


Sounds like you might need some therapy to deal with your issues of jealousy and distrust. There's nothing that will kill a good relationship faster than to have one partner or the other become suspicious and controlling.


Sounds like you might need some therapy to deal with your issues of jealousy and distrust. There's nothing that will kill a good relationship faster than to have one partner or the other become suspicious and controlling.
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