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I was wondering if anyone has any more understanding as to why psychologists have/use different lengths of sessions in therapy?

Why not just an hour? Simple as that?

Today, one said 50 minutes, which to me, seems like a needed and wasted 10 minutes (if comparing to the most common 1 hour choice), especially seeing as you're paying the same price as an hour session with someone else, and 50 minutes isn't a long time - To me anyway, 1 hour goes quick enough.

Then someone else said 1 hour and 20 minutes - That's more like it!! But the first time I have heard longer than an hour.

The 50 minute session is the most confusing one to me. By the time you start etc, it's pretty much like 40/45 minutes, which is pretty short, especially if you are only meeting once a week.

Daniel E.
I've never even heard of anything going over an hour except maybe an initial evaluation.

Personally, I think frequency of appointments (such as weekly vs. twice a month) is more important than their length (50 minutes vs. 60 minutes vs. 120 minutes).

Also, you may be focusing on time since that is easily quantified. Other factors like the quality of the therapist can obviously be more important. Indeed, the more difficult it is to quantify something, the more important it may be.

By the time you start etc, it's pretty much like 40/45 minutes, which is pretty short, especially if you are only meeting once a week.

I assume you feel that way largely because you are just starting therapy, relatively speaking. There are some suggestions like preparing some written notes of what you want to discuss and taking notes of what your therapist says, at least near the end of the session as a wrap up.

If you have seen something called the TED Talks, people can say a lot in 20 minutes or even 15 minutes. People tend to fill the time they are given without necessarily making any additional points.


I'll go for weekly, an hour :p

I agree though.

Just think that 50 minutes could be bumped up to 1 hour hehe.

My search is still going on, wow.. it's difficult.

The only 2 options I have now are going to a CBT clinic with psychologists at the hospital in my city, but there is a 2 week waiting list to start. The other is going with a private psychologist that I found who looks great, tried calling her all day and her phone was off, so emailed her. Turns out she is abroad and is only back in 2 weeks also...

2 weeks is like a lifetime and I don't think I can wait for either of these... But running out of options!

Daniel E.
there is a 2 week waiting list to start
Did you sign up for the waiting list? Usually, you can always cancel, so you have nothing to lose by getting on a waiting list.

Having to wait a couple weeks for the first appointment with a certain provider (even a private therapist) is the norm in the U.S., and having to wait longer than that would not be unusual.

Bibliotherapy is a Band-Aid solution used by the UK government.


I gave them my details and am on the waiting list, but need to get a referral from my psychiatrist in order to stay on that list and get the treatment.

As it's the same price as going private, I'd prefer just to find a suitable psychologist privately and do that. They offer it for free also, but the waiting list is 4 months lol.

I had found the perfect psychologist and have spoken to her via email today as she is abroad. She's back in 2 weeks time, so I'm not sure about waiting. It's been (I forgot the word/phrase but) 'too long' anyway and I really need to start some therapy already.

But the link you provided me, gives me that option, I'm not sure. I did actually order a book from Amazon literally a month ago, and it still hasn't arrived (mmm), it was recommended by my previous psychologist and is called "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated" by David D. Burns - Hope that was a good recommendation!?

Maybe I will wait for this psychologist that seems good and in the meantime, hope that my book arrives (!) and get on with things the best I can. She offered to email me some reading material also in the meantime which is nice of her.

In saying all of this, I have had a good couple of days, so this is why I feel now like I can maybe wait, but can't say I will be feeling the same way if/when I have a bad day.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I did actually order a book from Amazon literally a month ago, and it still hasn't arrived (mmm), it was recommended by my previous psychologist and is called "Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Revised and Updated" by David D. Burns - Hope that was a good recommendation!?

Any of David Burns' books are good ones but I would have recommended The Feeling Good Handbook (9780452281325): David D. Burns: Books as a first choice - it helps you apply CBT to a variety of issues, while the one you ordered is more specifically focused on depression.


Good to hear.

I'd like to think that I can be strong enough to wait 2 weeks, in fact, 2 weeks and a few days - Just don't want to keep driving you guys crazy and driving myself crazy because I have nobody else to talk to about what is going on... Nobody. And if it's kept just in my head, it's all made 10 times worse.

---------- Post added at 09:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

Any of David Burns' books are good ones but I would have recommended The Feeling Good Handbook (9780452281325): David D. Burns: Books as a first choice - it helps you apply CBT to a variety of issues, while the one you ordered is more specifically focused on depression.

Thanks... That's a shame, as it does sound better and more suited. Well, if my original book doesn't arrive (it's not looking hopeful anyway!), then maybe I'll switch to buy this one.. But mmm, then still need to wait 3 weeks for it to arrive.

Maybe my original will turn up and be good for now.


And just like that, after 2 days of feeling pretty fine, I am here again and feeling awful.

Have been laying here for hours with my eyes closed, just not wanting to open them and get up and do anything. I don't know what to do with myself.

The only thoughts I have in my head are that I am totally loosing it and I want to be hospitalized or for something to happen which will change the current situation I am in... Laying here alone and feeling like I am going insane.


Don't give in just like that. Your having a bad day. Meds won't take away all your bad days. Everyone has them. If you feel bad for awhile of course then maybe you should get a hold of your doctor.

I know you were talking about your mom in another thread. Do you think that thinking about all that may have gotten you down? You are not going insane (insanity would be throwing this computer out the window...any bloody minute now...).

I am not trying to dismiss how your feeling at all, I was just meaning to say that some times bad days do come along but it's not necessarily going to stick around and meds aren't a magic pill that will make you feel great from now on, they are an aid that help a person stay stable. You have to work on issues as well (which I know your trying to get set up).

I am sorry your having a bad day and hope you feel a little better tomorrow. Give it some time.:) Anndddd I am going to end this before I put my fist through my monitor...(computer not you.)


Thanks for the reply.

I know you were talking about your mom in another thread. Do you think that thinking about all that may have gotten you down?

It maybe hit a nerve.

I had horrible dreams last night of rejection etc (maybe you're therefore right about the mum thing), and woke up again in tears, my heat beating out of my chest and my breathing really fast.

Then today, I can't even really explain what happens to me, but it feels extremely weird and I don't understand it. I go from feeling normal and something just clicks in my head and I start to think different things like the feeling of totally loosing it. I was thinking that I'll either just totally lose it mentally and check myself in somewhere or that I'll intentionally hurt myself (but an injury and not suicide) so that I can be in hospital. Even a regular hospital. At the time, for whatever reason, I felt like I want and need to do something in order to be in either of those situations.
It doesn't even feel like anxiety, at least not physically when this happens. I just have this brain overload and it feels like I am not myself at the time. I couldn't shake it off so eventually I fell asleep and woke up 30 minutes later feeling back to normal again. Then I think back on it and think 'what the hell was that!?'. At other times, I feel like it is straight up anxiety and I feel like I am me sitting there feeling that, and at others, I don't feel like that and it's scary, almost terrifying, a very weird feeling.


Well I am glad you woke up feeling better. Sometimes that's all you need is some sleep or just a new day all together.
I think once you get a psychologist and start learning some tools like CBT and maybe some meditation skills or something like that then you will be able to change those thoughts or at least minimize them until you can see your psychologist next to talk. I'm sure you could look up some forms of meditation on line and try some of them out to see if any work for you. It takes awhile to be able to get to the point where your fully relaxed, especially with an anxiety disorder and it's not for everybody. I shouldn't say that actually other people may find that they can be relaxed right away, probably depends on the person. Personally I would recommend looking up some deep breathing exercises. That is something I can do at home and if I go out because no one can tell I'm doing it (Or that's what I tell myself-lol I probably look like I am hyperventilating). It really helps bring my anxiety down a notch. It doesn't make it go away but down enough that I don't have an anxiety attack.

I can tell you that intentionally hurting yourself to get admitted will bite you in the ass and it's not something you want to start doing, IMO. I had a friend that was a horrible self injurer and she use to hurt herself and go to hospital with the same thought in mind and all they would do was fix her up and send her home, mark it down as attention seeking ( of course she also has a history) but it can go that way.
If your feeling unsafe (suicidal) then call a crisis line (sometimes all you need is to talk to someone) or go to a hospital and talk to someone. They will listen to you without a superficial wound and if ever in the future you have a crisis again they won't look at your file and think your trying to get attention or just not take you seriously when indeed you are very serious.

Also I don't know how it is there but here you cannot just decide you want to check yourself in. If you feel you may need that and can wait until you see your doctor then discuss it with your Psychiatrist and if he agrees he will get you a bed. All my opinion, so take it as such.

Of course I'm not saying not to ask for help, just that going about it the way you had thought is not the best way to do it.

Well that's my 2 should almost be at 10 cents by now. I am glad your feeling a little better today, if your in to it maybe you could look up some of those things. No harm in trying right?

Have a good one. My computer survived my little outburst.:0


Thanks STP and to everyone for your advice and help.

I think it's time I left the forum for now... I feel like the more and more I am annoying people (and I'm not just saying that so you say 'of course you are not') less people post to back to me. And I'm not trying to sound like a poor rejected person to pity. In the end, you are not my family, nor my friends (of course you can make 'internet friends' but not on a basis where one person constantly just talks about themselves). I am just a stranger in another country on a forum posting about her life, and you are not expected to be my support or do anything for me, and why would you want to anyway?

I am not saying all of this just so you turn around and say 'stay and post here', it's not a cry for attention, it's just the truth of it all. Not trying to sound like I'm the most unfortunate person in the world, but fine, I have nobody I can talk to about what is happening to me, no family or friends. I wasn't trying to substitute the forum for the psychologist that I don't have, but on the other hand, yeah, I probably asked too much in the absence of one and also when I'd tried the two before and didn't work out with those. Sorry if I irritated or harassed anyone (I mean to use that word lightly) throughout all of this.

It comes down to me being alone in this and not relying on a forum to post daily about all the details of what is going on... It's a good release, but it's not reality. I know that I feel worse when I keep it all inside, but there isn't much I can do about that, that's my life right now so I've just got to get on with it, but on the other, people don't need to listen to me on a daily basis like I am the centre of the universe and everything is about me.

Now you can just genuinely and politely say 'good luck and hope to see you around soon'. I don't mean that to sound sarcastic or dismissive, because again, I am just a stranger on a forum and we have no connection in real life. My mother (and missing people in my life) etc are the people who should be doing what you all have been doing for the last couple of months.

Thanks again everyone.


I'm sorry if I said something to upset you AmZ. I sure hope that is not why you have decided to leave, I can definitely back off. I , like you have absolutely no one so it's good to chat, especially since your in a different country, different time zones since I do not sleep some nights.
The forum goes through busy times and then slows down a bit and back and forth like that. It's not personal if you get 10 comments one day and then 2 the next. People have things in there lives that take them away from the forum.

There is nothing wrong with having the extra support on line. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. Maybe those family and friends are suppose to be there for you but they aren't so isn't a little support from strangers better than none at all. You say "...It's a good release, but it's not reality. I know that I feel worse when I keep it all inside, but there isn't much I can do about that...". Ummm you could continue to post and get that good release. Does it seem logical to either do what you have been doing and feel better OR quit doing that with no other support to feel worse?
I agree it isn't reality at all, but the support is real whether you know anyone on here or not.

I'm sorry to hear that your leaving (of course you can always come back), I hope everything turns out for you. Good luck. :)
I feel like the more and more I am annoying people (and I'm not just saying that so you say 'of course you are not') less people post to back to me.
Hi AmZ - I don't find your posts annoying - quite the opposite. I come here to find people who are going through similar things to me and I find people that post their issues, and then all the associated responses, very helpful. I tend not to post replies myself for personal reasons (part of *my* issues), not because I don't care about the people that are posting and not because I don't want to help. I will miss your posts if you leave.


It's what the people involved in therapy call the 50 minute hour.
I just accept that the therapist needs time to dictate the previous patient's session and review your file before he/she starts a session with you.
David would be the one to verify this.
You just need to keep talking things through to sort out what's going on inside you.
People are listening.
Whether it's this site, your therapist, family, friends, or countless other resources out there, you are not alone. And once you start talking the focus should shift to other aspects other than the self. And soon you won't be so burdened by your troubling thoughts.
Which reminds me, England is one of the U.S.A.'s strongest allies. Do the English still seem to have a superiority complex over the American's?
I have read and heard that they think they are much more civilized and cultured than Americans and we are still in our infancy while they have been a power for centuries.
True? - I really don't take it personally anyways:rolleyes:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't do that, actually. I make notes as I go and I've been doing this long enough now that I don't need the break between clients.

When I first started, though, I used to book one hour sessions an hour and a half apart to give me time for clinical notes and personal debriefing.


Also, some therapists provide only 50 minutes because they take the other ten minutes to update their notes from your session, review previous notes before your session, etc. So, it's still time "spent" on you, and time you are paying for but I too look for the ones that give 60 minute sessions as opposed to shorter ones.

I teach classes and have just changed the class times from 60 minutes to 50 minutes for pretty much those reasons - I need prep time and a chance to breathe between classes. Without that, the quality of my teaching could theoretically be lowered.

(sorry - just saw that desiderata said pretty much the same thing.)
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