More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Letter to the Soul of a Wounded Child
by Jane Chin
Jane's Mental Health Blog
February 22, 2010

Dear Child:

I see you in the corner there
cowering crouching crying
your head resting on the
arms that wrap around
your knees.

I feel you in the cage where
a shame and fear prison
suffocates breath and
silences laughter
from you.

I call to your soul and wake
that light eternal, one
invincible to cruelty
and untouchable
by darkness.

Your soul then rises from the
depths of abyss and fills
each pore of
with love.

Rise, Child of Light.

(c) 2010 by Jane Chin.
One of the most popular entries on this site is a personal story on emotional abuse. Even though these wounded children have grown up to become adults and many appear to lead very successful lives, they still live with the pain of their wounds from long ago.

The above was what I wish I could say to each of those wounded children.
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