More threads by Eye Stigmata

No I haven't...

I don't know what's wrong with me, I'm just so depressed and feeling totally hopeless. I'm at the point where I feel like my world is just crumbling all around me. I don't know what else to do...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You're far away from home and feeling alone and lost, ES. And not having a doctor or a therapist in your new town isn't helping.

Are you able to contact your old therapist still by phone or email?

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You're in the Kitchener-Waterloo area. Why don't you look into whether the University of Waterloo psychology department offers clinical services to the public? Many universities do for quite low fees...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
There are also support groups and services:

Mental Health Agencies
Cambridge Active Self Help Organization
13 Water St N, Cambridge
phone: 623-6024

Canadian Mental Health Association, Grand River Branch, Centre for Mental Health
3-9 Wellington St, Cambridge
phone: 740-7782

Canadian Mental Health Association, Grand River Branch, Centre for Mental Health
Community Support Services of Ayr and North, 80 Stanley St, Ayr
phone: 632-9737

Canadian Mental Health Association, Grand River Branch, Centre for Mental Health
67 King St E, Kitchener
phone: 744-7645, 1-866-448-1603

Notre Dame of St Agatha, Inc, kidsLINK, Children's Mental Health Services
1855 Notre Dame Dr N, St Agatha
phone: 746-5437

Waterloo Region Self Help
67 King St E, Kitchener
phone: 570-4595

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Counselling and Advice
Catholic Family Counselling Centre, Region of Waterloo
400 Queen St S, Kitchener
phone: 743-6333

In Ottawa, I know that Catholic Family Services offers low cost counselling to all, Catholic or not.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Crisis Services in your area:

Distress Lines

Canadian Mental Health Association, Grand River Branch, Distress Centre
5420 Orchard Park, Hwy 6, Guelph
phone: 744-5594 (Community Links), 744-7645 (admin)
crisis: 745-1166 (Distress Line), 745-9909 (Youth Line)

Telecare Distress Centre
Box 32074 Preston Centre PO, Cambridge
phone: 658-6805
crisis: 658-6805

Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region, Anselma House
phone: 741-9184
crisis: 742-5894, 1-877-419-1517
I just worry about starting therapy with someone new, it took me a while to really open up to my therapist. I feel like I can talk to her about most things...and that starting over with someone new would be harder...maybe these are just my own excuses out of fear of finding someone else but...I don't know. Maybe I'll give some of them a call...


I'd encourage you to at least make some phone calls, ES. Then you'll at least have some information so you can decide what to do next. Without taking that first step, you stay in the limbo you're in.

And for what it's worth, I just did what you're hesitant to do. I just switched therapists and started over after three and a half years with the same one. It actually wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, and was very worthwhile. A new therapist, if you find one, can help you with the transition as well. My old one helped me transition to my new one.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yes, it's difficult to begin with a new therapist. But I think it's a lot more difficult to feel like your a thousand miles away from anyone who knows you or can help.

If you got to the point of trusting your previous therapist, you can do it again. And there's nothing wrong with going at your own pace... you don't have to walk in and spill your guts all at once.
Yeah you're right.
Turtle...that's so brave, you should be proud of yourself, I think after over 3 years I would have a very hard time doing that...

I do feel like I'm 1000 miles away...I guess because I truly am.
This sounds stupid...but I just feel like I need someone, I need a hug, you know?...ugh.

I was so desperate to get away from my life in Calgary...I was so desperate for an escape and to be alone and to start over...and now I know what being truly alone is like....and it's so much harder than I thought it would be. I never thought I would want to be around another human being as much as I do right now. It's miserable....feeling like your just all on your own..


Women's Crisis Services of Waterloo Region, Anselma House
phone: 741-9184
crisis: 742-5894, 1-877-419-1517

Within the last 2 months, my sister and I got in a fight and like you, I was 3000 miles away from home with absolutely no friends and feeling terribly depressed and alone, and suicidal really. I got so desperate, I called the local crisis line and that's how I met my case worker who is absolutely wonderful. She also got me an appt. with a local physciatrist.

So if things get really bad and on-line chat isn't enough, I really encourage you to call them. They are trained volunteers that are there to listen and point you in the right direction. I don't know what I would've done without them.

I feel so bad for you - I know what you're going thru - honest.
Thanks, that means a lot.
I did call a help line a few weeks back, I didn't find it that helpful, it could have just been the person I was talking to. I may end up trying again. Thanks


Thanks, that means a lot.
I did call a help line a few weeks back, I didn't find it that helpful, it could have just been the person I was talking to. I may end up trying again. Thanks
Thats right!
Just keep trying - you will get to the right person. Sometimes you have to DEMAND the help you need believe it or not. Remember, nobody can read your mind, so just blurt it all out and let the chips lay where they go! That's what I did, and with my new friends on this forum, and help from my city, I feel soooo much better than I have in the last 6 months, and that's the truth!
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