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I called and am waiting to hear back. It's a support group for people with mental illnesses. I am not sure if it's right for me, but I am going to try to find out. It's in the same town as where I see my therapist.


MVP, Forum Supporter
That's excellent CD! Give it a chance... it would be excellent if it could be something good for you.....
A lady called back and really encouraged me to attend. She said they have a dinner and then meetings and it's free. So I'm going to go this week. Nervous, but also excited about possibly connecting with other people who understand this stuff.


I am not sure if it's right for me

The way I see it, the fact that your doctor feels it could be of benefit, should be reason enough to go into it with a positive outlook. Based on what you have shared in the past, this could be precisely the local support network you have been looking for and need.

I would suggest you consider this opportunity as a means of establishing some new contacts with people who know and understand what you are going through, some of whom may need support themselves, and others willing to provide peer support.

I believe this is the best opportunity you have been offered in some time, and hope it will benefit your recovery.


MVP, Forum Supporter
CD I think it sounds like a great opportunity for you to receive support. Good luck!
Well, I went. Everyone was really nice. It's religious which I am ok with. They run groups based on the twelve step program which I don't like, but I think the "being with people" might be more important than the actual content of the meetings. If that makes sense.

I would like to go back. Maybe. It did make me VERY nervous.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Proud of you CD!! Great job!

So good that youre probably going back even though it was hard. (Most positive actions we can find easier to cope with the more times we do it... Can also be a chance to practise the skills of going against the thoughts, feelings etc that have held us back before... )

Hope it can become a positive and supportive thing for you. Really proud of you. :) :)


You have taken a big, important first step toward regaining control of your life, CD!

It can be a daunting experience the first time we meet a new group of people, especially when we are asked to share our feelings and concerns....but look at it this way..the people who are there are all working toward the same goal as you, to regain control of their lives. They are there because the are motivated, and they found the support of like minded people.

The way I see it....for you, being among supportive like minded people is the best thing for you to avail yourself, at this time.
I kind of feel like I messed up. I emailed one of the leaders of the program and asked for some guidance about which group to attend. I feel that I made a mistake though because it's a guy and maybe it was inappropriate of me to email him. He hasn't gotten back with me and I hope he doesn't because I feel very awkward about this. I always feel like I look like I'm some kind of predator or something like that.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Have you considered that he may just be busy and didn't get to your email yet? You're not a predator...


MVP, Forum Supporter
I wonder if you are over thinking this email and question -what do you think?


MVP, Forum Supporter
No, it is just worrying OCDish feelings CD. A female interested in these groups emailing a group leader (even if male) is a totally, completely normal thing to do.

Let the worries float along, but trust us that it wasn't inappropriate in any way.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Excellent CD! :) :)

You deserve support and good things and you can offer kindness and an ear to others. Excellent thing you are doing.
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