More threads by Cat Dancer


MVP, Forum Supporter
Let us know if there are some "nervous thoughts or distortions" we can help you talk back to....

....but just the act of deciding and 'doing the positive thing anyway' is the hugest most important thing, and you're doing that. Absolutely fantastic. You may be surprised how much confidence can begin to grow, from just that repeating act of "Here I go, it's flamin' scary, but here I am in fact doing the scary positive thing. Whew!!" :)

I have this fear that people will think I have ulterior motives for being there, that I don't deserve to be there, that I'm,ugh, I don't know how to say it, but that I am looking for a man. What if that is what I'm doing.


MVP, Forum Supporter
All OCD stuff hun; won't be in the minds of the other people. (Hmm I think I'm technically doing the 'wrong' thing here OCD-wise - reassuring? Can never remember - but at the same time, want you to know that that is what these thoughts are. So they won't be in other peoples heads, and these things are not what you're doing. :) xx)


MVP, Forum Supporter
Sounds like awful thoughts put in your head by an awful person to suit their own ends. Far from the truth though.


MVP, Forum Supporter
You haven't done a thing wrong, I always worry and over think things too. Remember others are there for the same reason and may have some if the same worries you do but I know you would encourage them. I really hope you get some support from this group.
I am really struggling. I want to go tomorrow, but I have horrible anxiety about it. I don't feel like I belong there or fit in. I feel like a fake or an attention seeker. I want to go, but I don't want to go. This is so stupid.
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