That BBC article is the kind of media hyperbole that sensationalizes obscure and unimportant human characteristics and behaviours.
The media does this for just one purpose, and that is to sell newspapers, or media time.
Bookstar, da you believe the headlines of the sensationalized tabloids that claim "women give birth to dinosaurs" or "man spends a weekend on Mars" ?
Probably not, and I would respectfully urge you not to buy into claims that appear to be passed off as having scientific importance, such as the height issue.
I have met people of various statures, short tall and in between. Some were nice people and others were not so nice, while some were attractive and others were not. It's the person's personality that others are attracted to and not their shoe size, nose length or length of their legs.
A man in the public eye whom I have always admired is actor Danny DeVito. Mr. DeVito happens to be a person of small stature, yet he has never played a role that reflects his stature. IOW the roles he has played have been roles that could have been played by an actor of average stature, and what he brough to the role was his skill and talent.
Making a judgement about a person based on their stature could be compared to judging a person based on skin color, ethnicity or color of hair.
Look at it this way: If you were courting a woman who happened to be blind, what woould be the charateristtics by which she form an opinion about you?
The media does this for just one purpose, and that is to sell newspapers, or media time.
Bookstar, da you believe the headlines of the sensationalized tabloids that claim "women give birth to dinosaurs" or "man spends a weekend on Mars" ?
Probably not, and I would respectfully urge you not to buy into claims that appear to be passed off as having scientific importance, such as the height issue.
I have met people of various statures, short tall and in between. Some were nice people and others were not so nice, while some were attractive and others were not. It's the person's personality that others are attracted to and not their shoe size, nose length or length of their legs.
A man in the public eye whom I have always admired is actor Danny DeVito. Mr. DeVito happens to be a person of small stature, yet he has never played a role that reflects his stature. IOW the roles he has played have been roles that could have been played by an actor of average stature, and what he brough to the role was his skill and talent.
Making a judgement about a person based on their stature could be compared to judging a person based on skin color, ethnicity or color of hair.
Look at it this way: If you were courting a woman who happened to be blind, what woould be the charateristtics by which she form an opinion about you?