More threads by Sadface


Can someone help me? I was listening to my parents talk one night, and my dad called me useless. My mom whipped me with a belt just because I didn't turn off the TV when I went to the bathroom! HOW DOES THAT WORK?!?! My parents contently whip me and smack me for no reason. And it tears me apart at night. Every night I ask: What the heck did I do? I answer like the following: My Birth. I hate my life and everything about it. How do you deal with this? If you can't go to your parents, who can you go to? Thanks for your help


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: What do you do if your parents hate you?

Is there another family member you can talk to, sadface? Maybe your parents feel they do have reasons to be upset with you. Is there more to this story?


Re: What do you do if your parents hate you?

Well, my sisters hate me too. They do things like put holes in walls and then blame it on me. My friends don't believe me so I visited this place and made a post. My parents are strict. To the max. I don't have anywhere else to go. People call me a cry baby because I sob at night. What else are you to do?


Re: What do you do if your parents hate you?

Friends they are no longer. But nobody believes me for some odd reason. :(

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: What do you do if your parents hate you?

Maybe that's something you need to explore further. If it's true that nobody believes you, I wonder (1) if it's something about how other people see you and your reactions to various things, or (2) perhaps you are missing something that everyone else sees clearly.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: What do you do if your parents hate you?

Where did I say that I didn't believe you? I don't know anything about you or your friends and family.

What I did say was it that seems to me it's important to find out why your friends don't believe you. That should be your first step.


My parents are so scrict, it's as if they hate me. They wip me for things as little as hinging a picture crooked. (using a belt as a wip) Nobody will belive me. They say it's unreal that parent could be like that. If you belive me, thanks, and please help me out. If you don't, D: I have been talking to an admin and he has help me a ton. I can't ask anymore of him. He said to make a fourm thread or just keep posting on the one I was. I thought that post was to help out him, so I made a different one. Main thing: My parents are so scrict, it's like child abuse. Please help all you can. This thread was made to help me or others. Keep posting all you want. It won't bug me. That's what it's made for. Thanks for your time. I hope to meet friends because I'm new here. Scroll down, and post.
Re: My parent are overly scrict

I'm really sorry to hear you are experiencing abuse at home. I don't have experience with that kind of problem but I'm sure there are others who have personal experience that may be more helpful. Hang in there and know that you are not alone. I think i use the word "experience" too much. Time for a thesaurus i guess.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
It's not clear that it's abuse, actually. It may just be strict parenting. I think it's best not to jump to conclusions with premature labeling.

Previous posts merged with this thread for clarity and continuity.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Do you have someone you can talk to at school - friends, counselor or teacher?
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