More threads by foghlaim



I have the right to my anger.
I have the right to my pain.
I have the right not to tolerate.
The guilt trips and the blame.
I have the right to stand strong.
The right to find where I belong.

I have the right to my own life.
I have the right to my own space.
I have the right to peace of mind.
The right to the happiness in all that I find.

I have the right to my own beliefs.
I have the right to be unique.
I have the right to my own feelings.

I have the right to not feel guilt.
I have the right to remove myself from things that do not feel right.
I have the right to love,respect and value myself.

The right to hold on to all that is me and not let them take
my power from me.

by Empowered


I read this and thought .. we all need reminders like this one. welli do anyway. :)

i got permisson from the author to post it here.
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You just don't know how much I needed to read that today. Especially the part of not feeling guilt and the power to "remove" oneself from situations that do not "feel" right.

I am currently planning on moving out -- my husband and I have been married for 13 years. He seems to be trying a few guilt tactics here and there. I really need to do it sooner, but my appt. won't be ready till the end of Oct. He says I am selfish, and that I am acting like it "is all about me". HMMM-- like when I begged him to go to therapy many times and he refused, among other things.

Anyway-- it was helpful to me, in this moment, in this hour. Thanks--Poohbear
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