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Catholicism at it's finest, the Mutual Admiration Society

Big news today from the Vatican. One who tolerates pedophilia to honour another tolerant. Pope Benedict is taking steps to fast track the sainthood of his predecessor, Pope John Paul.

To qualify for sainthood, there must have been two proven miracles ascribed to the candidate. So, by clever manipuation of fact, John Paul has one, and his surviving peers are searching for another, and no doubt, there will be many ambiguous miracles put forth for consideration.

Catholics from all corners of the world, and from all callings in life, are calling out for sainthood for John Paul. This is similar to the Stockholm Syndrome, although the hostages in this case weren't aware of their captors motives, or that they were captives.

Faith is a double edged sword. It can be used to justify actions, and using the same evidence, it can be used to nullify something. The message of all great religions is a passive one, with the intent of harmony for all subscribers, provided they follow the rules.

Pedophilia and Catholicism are synergistic, greater than the sum of its parts. Can't have one without the other. Catholicism is not the only culprit however, only the best known.

Indifference, tolerance, inaction, and silence appear to be part of the qualifying requirements for sainthood.

That I have made the association between Catholicism and pedohpilia does not mean the doctrines of Catholicism are corrupt, only humans that hide behind the mask of rightousness.

That these perpetrators continue to ruin the lives of children, most without consequence other than a new job posting, I wonder what thoughts go through their head when they say their evening prayer, and rest their head on their pillow for a peaceful nights sleep, while others live with the nightmares caused by someones need for gratification.

Should John Paul be a saint? Sure, why not. Nepotism is too hard of a battle to waste energy on. Catholicism has made unnecessary the words of Carl Jung.

Looking for a Deity? hey! climb aboard, Catholicism forgives all, and we are above the law! Welcome to the free ride.
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