well glad I found this place when it comes to self harm I've done alought of it mostly on my arms im 30/m which I guess in the self harm world is weird most of the help I've sought off the internet was for women teen girls mostly.
I have a great psychiatrist as well as a great family doc who have tried to help the best they can but I guess in this area there are no self harm programs that they can recomend.
Me and my doc have been trying to study why I do it for awhile I thought it was an addiction due to the fact that it gave me a kinda high, but now I'm not so sure do to the fact that I've gone as long as 2 months without cutting, I,ve read some of the other posts and alought of you talk about your scars I too have alought of them mostly on my arms in april I had surgery skin graft for a self inflicted burn which was pretty embarassing the plastic surgeon was very nice but I still felt like shit like I was waisting her time.
That was april I managed to go from then until a week ago without doing anything, but things got to me and I cut myself, I think or well I know I'm not a very asertive person so I brush off things that bother me and let things build and then it seems the cutting is like a pressure valve exploding it gets rid of alought of built up frustration and anger which is why it feels good I guess.
Anyway thanks for listening good to be here.
ps... a junkie has rehab, an alcoholic has AA and a self harmer has ??????
I have a great psychiatrist as well as a great family doc who have tried to help the best they can but I guess in this area there are no self harm programs that they can recomend.
Me and my doc have been trying to study why I do it for awhile I thought it was an addiction due to the fact that it gave me a kinda high, but now I'm not so sure do to the fact that I've gone as long as 2 months without cutting, I,ve read some of the other posts and alought of you talk about your scars I too have alought of them mostly on my arms in april I had surgery skin graft for a self inflicted burn which was pretty embarassing the plastic surgeon was very nice but I still felt like shit like I was waisting her time.
That was april I managed to go from then until a week ago without doing anything, but things got to me and I cut myself, I think or well I know I'm not a very asertive person so I brush off things that bother me and let things build and then it seems the cutting is like a pressure valve exploding it gets rid of alought of built up frustration and anger which is why it feels good I guess.
Anyway thanks for listening good to be here.
ps... a junkie has rehab, an alcoholic has AA and a self harmer has ??????