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After 3 months I?ve got an appointment for an NHS assessment. I ?m wondering how to make best use of it.

I have felt depressed and anxious for years. I particularly don?t like meeting new people or social occasions. I find a lot noises distracting, particularly people coughing and sniffing. I feel uncomfortable most of the time and get pain in my back, shoulders and feet. At the moment my feet are unbearably hot. I don?t know why and I?m dreading the really hot weather.

Last summer I had a particular problem at work where I had to share an office with a guy with a chronic and serious hay fever problem. He was constantly and loudly sniffing and sneezing. I found this really irritating, particularly as I had some complicated figures to prepare for my manager. I was then called into the manager?s office and told I was not recording my flexi-time correctly. All this culminated in my having a meltdown in reception and lashing out and kicking at the security barriers in reception.

I was lucky not to be sacked. After that I saw an NHS therapist for what he said was Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, but did n?t work for me. He had me recording my daily activities and how much satisfaction I got from them. He also had me saying ?Hello? to new people at work. After that he said I was now ready to join a club or society. That was the end of the therapy. He did n?t address my problem of being distracted by noise.

I?ve had various therapies before. I also had CBT on NHS 20 years ago and also had some therapy privately. Neither made any difference. None seemed to be able to work with me to gradually build up my confidence. Nor did they address problem solving skills. In fact after the first lot of CBT ended, I was refused further NHS treatment because I was going to an evening class in Assertiveness. Ten years I tried again to get treatment or at least a diagnosis but all I got was a letter saying ?further therapy would not be appropriate.?



MVP, Forum Supporter
Hi there. Sorry to hear that you did not receive the kind of help you expected in the past.

I wasn't quite sure what it is that you are asking... Are you trying to work out what kind of service would be most useful to you or what exactly you should be asking for from the NHS?
Write down all your symptoms your concerns keep track of your emotions moods anxiety so they have something to work with. YOur sleep time your ability to work etc
What it is you need from them be support in community or with just basic living skills or job related
If CBT did not work then perhaps DBT may or other therapies there are many now that they can help you with meds another choice Hope you get the support you need
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