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Don't know where the agitation is coming from just don't really know how i will deal with people in my home. Just so jumpy today maybe because i only get most 3 hours sleep. Looked after ma and brothers and sister now trying to get organized for his side family coming god 20 people I hate get togethers. I get so agitated wanting to look competent organized but fatigue so tired. I already have my escape plan and will probably use it. These people come and won't leave i just want to scream go home already get out but that would ruin it for husband so it is better i leave maybe go stay with my sister until they make departure. Serve the meal then say ihave to take sister home and not come back Agitation starting to build not much i can do but try to stay calm and put up with it for daughter sake and husbands I think if work calls i will just go to work and let them fend for themselves i prefer work over this. AGitation i guess is a form of anger the start of it.
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