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I havent seen my therapist since August due to my insurance running out. It will pick it up in January again.
He called me and wants me to go in (even though I cant pay)today. I called and cancelled though because we are getting sleet here and I am not driving down there in this weather.
I think after so many months of not seeing him, I am questioning whether I need to see him now. I had a rough past few months and that is when I needed him. I did ok, when I was bad off, so I dont know if I will continue to see him next year.
When do you know when you dont need to go anymore?

Sorry, I havent been on for a while. Its been crazy!


:wave: I am not sure if this applies but your post did remind me of 'Manana'
The window it is busted and the rain is coming in
If someone doesn't fix it I'll be soaking to my skin
But if we wait a day or two the rain may go away
And we don't need a window on such a lovely day

If your therapist is available and your insurance will cover it in the new year then why not go? :heart: Mari


Hi Mari... I could go, but every one needs to stop at some point, no?

Daniel, thanks for the links... I already had a trial of going it alone for several months. I did ok.

Daniel E.
I already had a trial of going it alone for several months. I did ok.

Of course, though things may be fine now relatively speaking, you can't always predict future stressors. So, since there are also preventative benefits of therapy that are long term, going back in January seems like a great idea even if it is just as maintenance therapy (relatively brief or relatively infrequent).

OTOH, my perspective is based on the fact I already have recurrent symptoms, e.g.:

Monthly Maintenance Psychotherapy Helps Ward Off Recurrent Depression - Psychiatric Times
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Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
Hi Sunset,

Seeing as your therapist knows what's going on for you much better than we do, my suggestion would be to commit to at least one more session and discuss the need for any future sessions with him then. That way you are making an informed decision. :)

Good luck!


Ok, you all bring up some good points... I will see him in January and see how it goes. Thanks for your input.
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