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Hello Everyone..

My Current Situation is, im off work; on short term disability.. I had a Co-Worker Set me off at work, that made me have a melt down with my Depression and Social Anxiety.. I was really down in the dumps, and couldn't function properly... i had to go on Short Term disability though my works insurance Company, so i could get my medication straightened out, attend various CBT course's, see a physiologist and make various doctor / counselor appointments.. Things are going abit better for me, the medication is helping.. I should be ready to return to "work" in a few weeks 2-4 (from my doctor) ....

My question is, i really don't feel comfortable going back to my place of employment.. I believe theres way to much emotional baggage there.. I don't think i could look at the guy who made me go into this downward spiral without punching him in the face...:rofl: The Insurance Company has hired a middle man / work rehabilitatator, to make my transition back into my workplace smoother. I don't know what to say, im scarred that if i say to the insurance that im not coming back, they will discontinue my short term disalibly, and ill be forced to take a job, when im not fully ready (from the doctor and me)... If i say to the insurance im not going back to work, what will they do? Cut me off? Still pay my benefits as long as my doctor supports it (as she does)??????

Any Feedback would be great.. thanks in advance!
Re: Not sure What to say.. or do!

If your doctor states you are not ready to return to work then you are not and the insurance company should have to follow that recommendation No one should be forced back to work until they are ready Make sure your doctor contacts insurance company ok they cannot cut you off your payments i would not think that was legal to do


Re: Not sure What to say.. or do!

If i say to the insurance im not going back to work, what will they do?

If the consultants hired by the insurance company advise you are ready to return to work and if you refuse to comply with the return to work protocol they provide, then your benefits will be terminated.

However, if your condition remains unstable with supporting evidence of your own doctor combined with the evaluation of the consultants of the insurance company who might see you, then your benefits should continue.

If the short term benefits expire, and if you have long term disability coverage, then the LTD would then be paid.

Continuation of paid disability benefits depends on how your condition is seen and evaluated by your doctor and the consultants who work for the insurance company.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Re: Not sure What to say.. or do!

Your best bet in this sort of situation is to see your physician regularly and see a psychologist or psychiatrist regularly, so both can document the nature and extent of your disability. It may well be that you can not return to your original place of work, but then the question becomes "can you work elsewhere?".

It might also be advisable, in combination with the above, to start exploring "second career" programs that are offered by Employment Canada in cooperation with some provinces.


Re: Not sure What to say.. or do!

Your best bet in this sort of situation is to see your physician regularly and see a psychologist or psychiatrist regularly, so both can document the nature and extent of your disability. It may well be that you can not return to your original place of work, but then the question becomes "can you work elsewhere?".

It might also be advisable, in combination with the above, to start exploring "second career" programs that are offered by Employment Canada in cooperation with some provinces.

Do you know if this is offered in Alberta? Thanks!
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