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Thanks Amastie i am sorry you too are not feeling well. thanks for your suggestions
It sounds like creating a safe space you are doing, i think i will try that
Aroma of lilacs or violets and just close my eyes and think of a place so far away from everything
i don't know if i will ever be rid of this sadness inside but little things like you have said will help me escape it for awhile
give me a reprieve so i have more energy to face yet another day
Thanks for your care i mean that i will try to do as you say Amastie please try to not isolate okay hun as i say it may feel safe hun i get that but dam it hurts so much inside and it is not good to try to fight this all on your own


" Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress youself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself."
i have decided i cannot fight this on my own i went to my gp and he prescribed me xanax states it is for depression and anxiety
well it does zonk me right out and that is what i need to happen when i have these attacks
i need to be gone and the medication within 15 min i am tired and iam out of here
i hate me for taking the meds but i don't want to harm others so better i hate me then do something more terrible
i will take the medication for now until after these holidays i just have to get through these holidays thats all
i am taking meds as prescribed just on a need basis will take some tonight to help me be calm can take some tomorrow as there will be way too much noise and people around me sometimes it is good not to feel too much
Hello Eclipse, I've struggled like that too. I'd go to work, try to go through the motions, get sent home and then I felt useless. It will be difficult for a while but it won't last. Be mindful if you can about he way you look at things...that helps some. Peace, CL
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