Hello. I am in my late 40's and live in Canada. I have recently been dumped by my boyfriend of well over a year. (Earlyish 50's). He made me feel absolutely wonderful. Loved, adored, beautiful, sexy, secure, (Baby, I'll never cheat or leave you....etc. etc. blah blah blah. I've never been with any woman like you. You are different than anyone else, yadda,yadda,yadda.) Same lines as well as many others repeated over and over. Scripted and practised for many years, no doubt. At approx. the one year date, I tightened my purse strings somewhat and started suggesting he might contribute some liquor when he came over. As I look back now, this is when he slowly started getting callous, nasty, agitated and (my personal favorite) the hissy fit. I stumbled upon NPD, NBP, PNPD while searching and my jaw dropped. He matched 8 out of 10 traits to a tee. We did not live together as he was never responsible enough.(Yay me). Much more to tell but too long. Anyone else out there been in this exhausting situation?