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Resident Canuck
A co worker had pet rats and said they were the best pets he ever had. He just said to not get the males ... for reasons I don't think I can say here... not appropiately anyway :blush:


My friend in Ottawa has two pet rats and she said the same thing - they make wonderful pets and obviously very trainable.


Resident Canuck
Is there any reason given for not being allowed to have pet rats in Alberta?

I know in some areas of Ontario the potbelly pigs are not allowed, same with the mini pigs.

Another really neat pet of the rodent variety is a Guinea Pig. The Skinny Pigs are cute too, but some are Guinea Pigs breed to have no hair. The "real" ones almost look like a miniture Hippo.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Yeah but finding tiny little harnesses and tiny little pooper-scoopers when you take them for a walk is really really difficult. Also, they suck at playing "go fetch".


Resident Canuck
Yeah but finding tiny little harnesses and tiny little pooper-scoopers when you take them for a walk is really really difficult. Also, they suck at playing "go fetch".

I have seen people with harnesses for Bearded Dragons with a leash :teehee:


Is there any reason given for not being allowed to have pet rats in Alberta?

I know in some areas of Ontario the potbelly pigs are not allowed, same with the mini pigs.

Another really neat pet of the rodent variety is a Guinea Pig. The Skinny Pigs are cute too, but some are Guinea Pigs breed to have no hair. The "real" ones almost look like a miniture Hippo.

Alberta likes to claim it's rat-free, although it really isn't, but regardless, no rats are allowed in the province and any that are found are killed.

Calgary has pretty loose rules on pet ownership - there are no limits to the number of pets you can have, and it's pretty open as far as what kind you can have. Pigs are no problem, roosters are no problem, miniature horses are no problem, there's a family in another community that has a llama. It's pretty relaxed here.


Yeah but finding tiny little harnesses and tiny little pooper-scoopers when you take them for a walk is really really difficult. Also, they suck at playing "go fetch".

I was going to ask if you're talking about the snake or the rat, because you can actually get "walking apparatus" for both. Although I'm not sure I'd "walk" my snake. Something tells me they don't need that kind of exercise. Heck, I don't even walk my dogs so a snake definitely isn't getting walked!


Resident Canuck
I would rather have an electronic hamster than a non-mammalian pet :)

Some lizards are pretty cool, like Bearded Dragons or Chameleons. Only cons to them is that Bearded Dragons get big and Chameleons are not very hearty they need pretty precise conditions to live.


Some lizards are pretty cool, like Bearded Dragons or Chameleons. Only cons to them is that Bearded Dragons get big and Chameleons are not very hearty they need pretty precise conditions to live.

My friend had a bearded dragon that kept growing to be to big for it's cage until she couldn't fit a big enough cage in her apartment. She put him at her moms house (in a different town) in a spare room and he was vicious so her mom was afraid to open the door, she was opening it a crack and tossing in food. I don't know what happened for sure but I think she just got to afraid of it and...R.I.P


On a serious note, as soon as you're afraid of your own pet, it's a liability and should no longer be your pet.

And just because I want something to be my pet, doesn't mean it wants to be my pet. They still have minds of their own....and instincts, and prey drive, and everything else. Not everything was meant to be domesticated, or should be domesticated, or was domesticated properly. I mean, we've domesticating dogs for 15,000 years and we still have major problems. Cats, on the other hand, well, they think they rule the universe anyway.


On a serious note, as soon as you're afraid of your own pet, it's a liability and should no longer be your pet.

And just because I want something to be my pet, doesn't mean it wants to be my pet. They still have minds of their own....and instincts, and prey drive, and everything else.

I agree. I'd never get one of those suckers. I was afraid of it when it was a baby. I am just hoping that they gave it to someone or humanely took care of it and didn't let it go on their farm. :shock4:


Resident Canuck
On a serious note, as soon as you're afraid of your own pet, it's a liability and should no longer be your pet.

And just because I want something to be my pet, doesn't mean it wants to be my pet. They still have minds of their own....and instincts, and prey drive, and everything else. Not everything was meant to be domesticated, or should be domesticated, or was domesticated properly. I mean, we've domesticating dogs for 15,000 years and we still have major problems. Cats, on the other hand, well, they think they rule the universe anyway.

I remember reading about a guy who had two Komono dragons as "pets". :huh: He didn't show up for work for a few days and his boss called the police. The police went into his apartment and found him and the dragons apparently killed him.


Resident Canuck
I doubt it. It would have made the news:

It did, but it was 2002, it happened. I can't find the actual New York Times artical, but tis is a quote from it.

2002 CHS HerPET-POURRI columns by Ellin Beltz
"On January 16, police officers entered the apartment of ... [a 42-year-old man], of Newark, Delaware, and found seven Nile monitor lizards feeding on his corpse. An autopsy proved inconclusive as to whether the monitors, ranging up to six feet long, had killed their owner." [The New York Times, February 12, 2002 from J.N. Stuart and Wes von Papine?u] The debate immediately started online and in the press among lizard keepers, some saying the animals must have just found the owner deceased and being hungry began eating. Which all just begs the question of why the monitors were loose in the first place.


Didn't Sharon Stone get attacked by a electronic hamster er I mean a Komodo Dragon when she was on some safari or at a zoo or something? It really hurt her, I think it broke her back or neck. <---That might be wrong, I am sure someone has broken their back or neck somewhere so I may have merged those two things. lol

~~~~ I totally got that story wrong! lol I got the Sharon Stone, zoo and Komodo Dragon part right. The rest as I thought was wrong.
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