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I watched Tremors and that didn't scare me no anaconda is going to scare me fact, maybe I'll get two.


Resident Canuck
Two words: Baby crocodiles growing into monster adult crocodiles in the sewers of New York City. Godzilla. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Watch the movies, people! The truth is out there!

Dr Baxter, are you off your meds again? :teehee:

You are so naive sometimes. Do the research! Watch the movies! Run for your lives! It's never too early to start panicking!

Dr Baxter. I am starting to see a trend of unhealthy thinking here. Please take your meds :chill: have a sleep and call us in the morning. :D


Well, Dav, worms....snakes....they're all the same. They slither and have no legs, and are taking over the world. May as well make friends with them rather than be consumed or left behind.
Hey Turtle. I just wanted to say I have a Taiwanese Blue Beauty named Alurra. She is almost 5 years old, full grown at about 6 feet. She is a rat snake and will not get any bigger. She is very docile and we take her out a lot. We have had her since she was no bigger than a pencil. She looks kinda like a garter snake only darker. She doesn't do much but I still like her. She's fun to play with and show kids when they come over.
Only thing I suggest is if you get a snake --never-- feed it in its living space. Snakes can smell their food before they see it and even if your snake is docile when you stick your hand in there they won't know what is coming food or owner and they can strike. We feed ours in the bathtub. She is fine and happy but the minute she hits the tub she knows its feed time! Also, she still has tiny teeth that hook inward to drag the food in as she swallows. I have heard, (not researched myself) that if you agitate a snake too much while its eating or soon after it will regurgitate its food as a flight response and I was told that it could be very harmful for the snake if that happens. I'm not sure how true that is, but we make her feeding time a quiet event with gentle handling back to the cage and leave her alone for about 3 days.

Since its your first snake, I would go small and do a little research. Hope this helps. I'm always scared I share too much.
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