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Due to some changes in my life and that of my partner I will be on my own a bit more from now on and I am thinking of getting a pet, but I don't have a clue about what to get. Does anyone on here have pets? Can anyone offer any advice or whatever, anything will be appreciated. Many thanks. Jackie:hug:


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Are you thinking of adopting from the shelter? If you are, the shelter here have volunteers that talk you first about the kind of pet you would like to adopt and to make sure that the fit is a good one. It may be a place to start.


Hello Ladylore,

Thank you, that hadn't even crossed my mind about taking on a pet from a rescue center! We have the RSPCA and PDSA here in the UK so maybe I should approach them first. Great idea! Thanks again:hug:
I have a cat, a dog and a rabbit. The cat is by far the easiest to care for. All three do bond with humans (and play with them and snuggle with them) - and just a little something to keep in mind - rescues also have rabbits, ferrets, birds, chinchillas, rats, mice, gerbils, guinea pigs, etc too - not just cats and dogs. There are even horse and pot bellied pig rescues if you want to go really big!


Thanks Buffy55, theres certainly alot of choice, though I don't think the people that own my place will be too happy with me having a pig or a horse in the garden:D Rats and mice sound good, something smallish but that I can interact with, touch and cuddle. A cat would be ok too but not so sure about a dog, just been reading and they do cost alot in vets fees. I've certainly alot to consider, anyway thanks for your reply:hug:
Thanks Buffy55, theres certainly alot of choice, though I don't think the people that own my place will be too happy with me having a pig or a horse in the garden:D Rats and mice sound good, something smallish but that I can interact with, touch and cuddle. A cat would be ok too but not so sure about a dog, just been reading and they do cost alot in vets fees. I've certainly alot to consider, anyway thanks for your reply:hug:

I know a couple of people that have had rats and they confirm that yes, they are as intelligent as you read about. They form a close bond with you as well. The potential downside on rats is that they only live 3 years - however, if you aren't sure about making a long term commitment, this can be an upside! (similar to adopting an "older" pet - you are committed for a shorter period of time).

You could even try fostering an animal - that way, you are helping out the rescue and the animal and you get to find out ahead of time if the species is right for you. If you end up bonding and there is a match, you continue with the adoption process! And while fostering, I believe rescues help you with the cost of supplies that you need.

Re vet fees - even rabbits and guinea pigs require trips to the vet. In my experience, the vet fees for my dog are much greater than I anticipated (I was warned of this but was still surprised) and my cat and rabbit haven't been too bad to date....I guess it all depends on the luck of the draw though.

I commend you for doing research before heading out to get a pet! It makes the adjustment period upon their arrival much easier when you have some knowledge about what to expect.:cat3:

Good luck!


Hey Jackie,

That is awesome that you are thinking of getting a pet. I have been thinking of it (more than likely a dog) for a few years and just haven't taken the plunge and made the committment although I have been doing some reading.

Ladylore's idea of adoption was a good one but Buffy has really opened the door to the possibilities with so much information and things to think about. Great posts by the way Buffy :)

I hope that you decide on something and please do let us know on what you decide.

Take care


Thanks Halo and Buffy! I think I will spend this easter weekend doing some online research into this and looking at different places that have animals who need homes or fostering. Then when the break is over I can make some phone calls and take it from there, will keep you informed:)


If you want a silent type of pet I suggest you get a cat.. I have cats here in my house. They're very loving and sweet. One of my cat always wakes me up every morning...she's my alarm at morning.



I am thinking of having a pet rat or a hamster. I've been looking around pet stores and seeing how much things cost first and have also been put in touch with a charity who rescue rodents and am talking to them as they have some rats that need homes. Will keep you posted:)
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