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6mg a day as perscribed. My tolerance is high which is why the dose is high.
Thanks BlueMac. I've been feeling a bit unwell and I think that it's due to diet making me a bit weak and that causing the mental/emotional symptoms to be a bit worse. Still, I've woken the last few days wanting immediately to take some Xanax, which is unusual which made me wonder if I might now be starting to develop an addiction. My psychiatrist isn't worried at all (or wasn't when we last spoke. She's been too busy to get back to me.) I farily certain though that it is my diet causing my general lethergy and low mood etc snd making me more anxious. Have had my GP arrange tests to see if it might have a physical cause. Although I don't take more than 3.75mg, I have taken a couple of doses in one day a few times since starting to feel generally unwell.
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