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Lately, I feel guilty for even engaging in therapy. My therapist has alot going on. Her dad is really sick and has been for some time now, is probably going to go into hospice, she just moved them, etc etc much when it comes to an aging parent. I just feel like I shouldn't be taking up her time, like she has better things to do. My other therapist is just a really busy person, and I can't help but think he has better people to help and deal with.

I guess when I hear about so many other people's problems, I think "what's a little depression?" And I wonder if my time slot would be better used by someone else...and that maybe I shouldn't be wasting there time.

I don't know. Lately I'm just really insecure in my relationships, and it leaves me wondering and doubtful...
if you weren't their client, someone else would be. you wouldn't be freeing them up, because another person with depression or other difficulties would fill your spot. so in that sense their workload is the same, with or without you. and they're just going to have to figure out the balance between work and their private lives either way.

you're minimizing your depression too. depression is serious. it's very difficult to live with and you need therapy to recover from it. you deserve the help, just like anyone else suffering from depression.


I'm totally minimizing the depression, ITL. You're bang on. I keep telling myself that it's no big deal, and that I can handle it, and I'm exagerrating and making an issue where one doesn't exist.

I guess that, in itself, is why I question why I'm in therapy.

Thanks for pointing that out.


Account Closed
I'll tell you what someone told me recently - don't usurpe other people's abilities to make decisions for themselves. Trust your T enough to tell you when she's just not in a position to help at that particular time....It makes sense, and it removes our "sense" of control...
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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Your job is to put your best effort into your therapy, not to worry about your therapist.

During those times when I have been in therapy myself, I found that to be one of the most amazing things about being in therapy: I get to talk about whatever I want and not have to worry at all about whether I'm stressing or otherwise upsetting the person I'm talking to. It's probably the only relationship you'll ever have where you really have that freedom.
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