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I quit smoking almost 9 months ago although under different circumstances but a website that I found extremely helpful was/is Quit Smoking All Together: the Web's Largest Quit Smoking Community

A tool that I think is really awesome on this website is if you put in your quit date you get information or "quit stats" such as mine here:

Your Quit Date is: 9/3/2008 9:00:00 PM
Time Smoke-Free: 257 days, 1 hour, 35 minutes and 40 seconds
Cigarettes NOT smoked: 5141
Lifetime Saved: 1 month, 9 days, 6 hours
Money Saved: $1,542.00

Kinda cool and makes it a little more real...or at least that is how I see it.
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I'm joining the ranks of non-smoker tomorrow morning. I bought the patches today and this time, I'm doing it! :)
I want to join you soon... I'm not quite ready. I still want to talk to Dr. K first, and explain to him what happened last time I tried. I'm thinking maybe next week? Sigh...

Good luck to you!


I'll keep my eye out for you, Halo, when I'm ready to throw in the last cancer stick. I'm still not quite at my ideal weight, and I'm way too chicken to try before that. Still, your smoking posts keep motivating me. I think about it a lot now, and I know that I will be ready to quit soon. Smoking has always disgusted me. I'll let you know when I quit. ....I've wanted to tell you that I think it's great that you are here motivating us! Thanks!


I'll keep my eye out for you, Halo, when I'm ready to throw in the last cancer stick.

And I will be here waiting to support pressure, just hollar :D

I've wanted to tell you that I think it's great that you are here motivating us! Thanks!

Wow...thank you so much for saying such nice words :blush: I am happy to be motivating others as I know exactly what it is like to quit and the motivation and support of others is really helpful.
Ugh, I was all set to join you starting Monday! But then stupid Dr. K didn't show up again on Friday, and I'm afraid to start (or I guess stop, lol) without talking it over with him first and explaining what happened last time I tried. I might have to wait now until I've been able to talk with him. Colsarnit golblamit! I have to get off these things!


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Hi everyone,

So Jazzey fell off the wagon this weekend. :blush:..The first few days were rough and it was getting easier by the day. But then the weekend came, and I justified buying some...Sorry - back on the wagon tomorrow morning with the patches (they really do help a lot).

Charity - still right here when you're ready. Just remember, you have to be ready for it so don't beat yourself up too badly if it isn't right now - work your way towards a date that is ok for you. :hug:
Thanks, Jazz. I know it's more important to do it right than to do it right now. I don't want to play the on-again-off-again game. I want to do it once and for all, and never get back into this state of addiction again! My day will come.


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No worries - I've played the on and off game for many years now. That's how I know that I'm ready. :) When you know, you know. And even if you fall of that proverbial wagon, you still know that it's time to give them up. :)



I think just about everyone I know has fallen of the wagon when giving up smoking, sometimes many times before they have finally made it:hug:


My heart goes out to you all! I only quit once, for 11 months to be exact. That was when I was pregnant - it was easy for many reasons (Yea, I lasted till two months after my baby was born hehe ;) )

So there was a very good reason and it didn't even last a year.

I am proud of you all! Well done for even wanting to try!


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The countdown is on for Charity and I to stop smoking...I'm taking it that as of midnight, we're both smoke-free..I have the patches (Arghh matie), and I'm enjoying everyone one of these last few cigarettes...

Charity - if I don't catch up to you tomorrow morning - I'll be thinking of you. :) (as I curse both of us over a morning coffee green tea :lol:)
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