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He froze to death in the water while waiting to be rescued (therefore sinking to the bottom when he left go) while the love of his life was floating on the raft and therefore she survived. Therefore TL your mother is correct, no pushing was done...despite what David says about poor Jack :)


Umm, David, dear...the water was freezing. If they'd taken turns, the one whose turn it wasn't would have sunk like a stone. Now, if she'd sunk, she would have taken that lovely necklace she kept to the bottom of the ocean with her. What would have been gained by that? Save the jewels, I say! :D


She pried them off only after he was gone....not while he was still living.

Taking turns.....would you let poor Laurie freeze in the water while you lay on a raft ??

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Save the jewels, I say!

But apparently not the family jewels... :panic:

Taking turns.....would you let poor Laurie freeze in the water while you lay on a raft ??

No, but I'm not convinced they couldn't have found a way... she agreed wayyy too quickly, of you ask me... and after he went to all the trouble of teaching her how to spit right. :D
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