Must children sleep in the day,i have 2 girls the one do sleep somedays but the oldest one dont if she sleep during the day she dont want to sleep at night.She also go now to prescool so i dont let them sleep during the day if one is tired and want to sleep i let her sleep about a hour and wake her then up.M ex how ever want them to sleep every aftenoon and in bed 20h30.Their sleeptime now is about 21h30 to 22h00 with me i dont see the point to make them sleep in aftenoon and have aproblem at night and they diffrend children .Can anyone help me with this,im a single father with two girls and want only the best for them thats way i asked your opinion andmy ex is giving me a hard time on every thing so a cannot make slip up not that i want to bud it is bit difficuld un sercumstans to be totaly normal im allso in a wheelchair and have a rotine every second night.Ihope you can help me.