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I am terrified of snakes. I have been as long as I can remember. I know most snakes are harmless and I know some of them catch mice and probably are useful in other ways as well, but I still don't like them at all.

So the other day I happily opened the door out on to our deck and started to walk out and what did I see? A freaking snake!! On the deck. Why? :eek:mg: It slithered (isn't that a disgusting word?) under the deck and dropped off underneath.

At first I thought it was a copperhead, but it didn't have that triangle shaped head so I'm pretty sure it was just a non-poisonous snake. But now I'm paranoid.

Can't I put up some kind of sign like this?:


Daniel E.
It slithered (isn't that a disgusting word?) under the deck and dropped off underneath.
It probably sensed you were not a member of PETA and went to get some PETA brochures.


lol @ Daniel. I don't mind smaller snakes but I am a little weary. I had a really long heavy albino boa on my shoulders once (A friend has/had one) and it started to bend close to my neck and it scared me bad. lol
We don't have to many snakes where I am, so I don't get surprised with them slithering around my yard. That would creep me out. They are kind of freaky though.
He he. Peta. I think they're unnatural and weird. LOL. And should go away somewhere FAR away from me.

I don't think I could have a snake on my neck or any part of my body. LOL. :eek:mg:


Oh it wouldn't have been anywhere near my shoulders if I was not wasted. lol I can touch them and hold the small ones for 15 seconds (not wasted I mean). The little ones are just to wiggly. They are like those toys from a long time ago that were like a elastic tube with liquid and they keep slipping out of your hand. I need something I can hold football style. ;)


I actually do like snakes - I think they are pretty neat, and if I didn't have small-ish dogs (35 lbs) and have my mom living with me, I might even have a boa because they are quite neat.

Having said that, one of the reasons I can't bring myself to go to Australia is because they have so many poisonous snakes and that scares the heck out of me. When I was in the Amazon Jungle I was also told horrible snake stories that had me wanting to stay indoors all the time.

Ok, maybe I like nice snakes. Snakes that sit on the board of directors for PETA. Ya...those snakes are ok.


omg i really cant stand snakes. i cant even go close to one, let alone touch one. lizards..... ok maybe.. snakes.... no can do!
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