More threads by Cat Dancer


Resident Canuck
The pink unicorn visits me all the time :blush:

Sometimes I think it is my mom who picks things up or tries to clean up. I have an organized mess, I know where everything is, usually....:lol:

Although I will go to get something and forget what I am looking for or why I went to a certian room :blush:


MVP, Forum Supporter
That is funny, story of my life, though


I bought a book on procrastination and I have yet to get around to reading it

I also have been waiting to read the Power of Now for quite a long time now, it is sitting on my coffee table, guess it doesnt mean the power of right now.....

Also, a book on positive thinking but I dont see the point of reading it, it won't do any good anyway..ha ha

Is it any wonder I never get anything done?
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