More threads by Charity

I just spent an hour with the doc... I told him about how I've been feeling since I started talking with him, how it's almost been making things worse instead of better by focusing my attention so sharply on my problems, etc. We went around in circles for most of the hour, talking things over, as I tried to figure out exactly what I want to do. After a while, he proposed the idea of doing it like an experiment-- we'd not see each other for six weeks or so, then get back together and see how I felt about things then. That made me realize, though, that this is actually the experiment! I've gone all these years just taking my medications, never trying any sort of talk therapy. I realized that I already know what that's like, and I need to give this more of a chance if I want to find out what it's like, so I can make an honest comparison. I always say that I'll try anything once; if I hate it, I don't have to do it again. SO, I'm going to give this whole therapy business a better try before I declare it good or evil.

I do need to put more effort into it, I know. He gives lots of "homework" for me to do during the week, and I don't always put as much time, effort, or thought into working on these little projects as I should. Today we talked about that, too, and how important it is to develop these practical applications of the things we talk about. I'm going to make it a goal for myself (awesome, I've been needing a reasonable goal to work toward!)-- to put forth an honest effort in working with the T and doing the homework I'm supposed to do between sessions. Maybe I'll find in the end that it's the best thing I could have done for myself, who knows... Or, if I find that I'm no better off, at least I'll know that it's not because I didn't do my part.

I'm glad I at least know what I'm going to try now. Even if I'm uncertain of the outcome, it's much better than being uncertain about what to do next.
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Account Closed
I think this is great news too Charity. I particularly like this quote of yours:
I do need to put more effort into it, I know. He gives lots of "homework" for me to do during the week, and I don't always put as much time, effort, or thought into working on these little projects as I should. Today we talked about that, too, and how important it is to develop these practical applications of the things we talk about. I'm going to make it a goal for myself (awesome, I've been needing a reasonable goal to work toward!)-- to put forth an honest effort in working with the T and doing the homework I'm supposed to do between sessions. Maybe I'll find in the end that it's the best thing I could have done for myself, who knows... Or, if I find that I'm no better off, at least I'll know that it's not because I didn't do my part.
I'm glad I at least know what I'm going to try now. Even if I'm uncertain of the outcome, it's much better than being uncertain about what to do next. made me smile, for you. :)
i think you're doing the right thing. glad to hear you're going to stick with it. when the going gets tough remember we are here to support you through it. :goodjob:


Resident Canuck
That is great news Charity. I am so glad your sticking with your therapy. It is important.

Thanks for the kind words, guys. :airkiss:

I'm still pretty lost as to what I expect out of the whole therapy experience, but I'm glad at least to have made up my mind to pursue it further. I'm still procrastinating on my homework... but I guess I always have, even back in school. I just have to make sure by Friday that I've thoroughly researched the concepts of "cognitive dissonance" and "proactive interference" and written out some practical examples of how they function in my life-- I almost feel like I AM back in school! :D


I congratulate you *so* much. You're working so hard that you deserve to be free of your pain and the issues around it.
Will be thinking of you :hug:


Account Closed
:D Charity. I'll wish you luck to get the homework done! [SIGN]do your homework![/SIGN] :). As for the therapy and your day at a time. I think it's wonderful that you've accepted to keep on that path. :flowers:
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