More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Streaming video of B.C. eagles draws thousands
by SUNNY DHILLON, Globe and Mail
April 5, 2009

VANCOUVER ? The critters inside the eggs, mere days, if not hours from hatching, aren't the only ones with eagle eyes.

Thousands of people from around the world are flocking to the website for BC-based Hancock Wildlife Foundation to watch live streaming video of a pair of bald eagle eggs.

Two cameras, set up near a nest in Delta, B.C., first caught the mother laying the eggs in February.

With the eaglets ready to emerge any time now, more and more viewers are tuning in, watching for the slightest sign of their arrival.

?We call ourselves eagle-holics because most of us really are,? Karen Bills, Hancock's project co-ordinator, said with a laugh.

Ms. Bills said the viewers, many of whom are elderly, some from as far away as Australia and Europe, are watching intently for little cracks in the eggs, known as pips.

The eaglet has a pip tooth at the end of its beak that it uses to break free from the shell. Once the eaglet is out, the pip dries up and falls off.

?The only purpose that it serves is to peck little holes, little jagged holes, all the way around the circumference of the shell and it gradually works its way out,? Ms. Bills said.

As the expected arrival date has grown closer and closer, Hancock's website traffic has grown busier and busier. Ms. Bills said so many people have been tuning in that she sometimes can't get on the feed.

But not all the reviews have been positive.

Some have suggested the cameras interfere with nature and do more harm than good. But it's a claim Ms. Bills disputes.

?I can name you numerous cases where if the cam wasn't there, the eaglet would have died.?

She said a 10-week-old eaglet tumbled out of another Delta nest last year and fell all the way to the ground.

Viewers immediately contacted Hancock and a rescue crew was on the scene within seven minutes.

?(The Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society) kept him in their facility until he was ready to go and put on the proper weight.?

The eagle was eventually released.

The rehabilitation society's Bev Day, who has been caring for birds since 1978, says the cameras also serve as an invaluable learning tool.

?There may be other people that argue the fact, but I'm really a true believer in them,? she said.

?I've been doing this 30 years now and I'm still learning.?

Ms. Day said the public tends to be respectful of the eagle nest, which is located outside the rehabilitation society's refuge. Those who aren't are shooed away by staff.

Some of the eagle-holics have grown anxious waiting for the big moment.

One user on the site's discussion forum said Friday, ?Not seeing any indication of cracks or pips in the eggs,? a posting that was accompanied by a frowning emoticon.

The not-for-profit Hancock Wildlife Foundation was established by David Hancock, a biologist, filmmaker, writer and publisher. It aims to promote the conservation of wildlife and its habitats through science, education and stewardship.


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I have visited OWLS (The Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society) and it really is a great place.

Thanks so much for posting this David. Eagles are my favorite birds. :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Internet followers of eagle cam watch helplessly as eaglet dies in B.C. nest

Internet followers of eagle cam watch helplessly as eaglet dies in B.C. nest
CBC News
Thursday, May 21, 2009

The smallest of two eaglets in a nest on Hornby Island, B.C., that wildlife enthusiasts have been observing online via a webcam has died after getting caught in its mother's feathers and falling to the ground.

The nest, located on a tree top, has a webcam installed above it. Thousands of visitors to the site that hosts the webcam watched helplessly as the event unfolded around 8 a.m. on Monday, said Karen Bills of the Hancock Wildlife Foundation. The webcam is part of the foundation's efforts to promote the conservation of wild habitats through science and education.

"Something black, we could see, got entwined around the eaglet's left wing [and] upper back," Bills told CBC News Thursday in a telephone interview.

It was a difficult thing to watch as the mother tried so hard to shake loose the 11-day-old eaglet, known as Echo, she said.

"She tried desperately to shake it loose, and the poor little thing is crying," Bills said.

"At one point, she even flew up ? and then flew back down into the nest with the baby still attached. Meanwhile, everybody is watching and crying and all upset, and then she tried shaking it loose again. ? Finally, she got up and flew off and that is when we saw the little body drop."

The eaglet's body was found underneath the tree where the nest is.

Eulogies pour in
The foundation's website, which has a huge discussion forum on eagle watching, has been inundated with comments about Echo.

"They made a separate thread in the forum called 'Tribute to Echo,' where people have posted pictures and written poems ? it shows how much loved he was," Bills said.

The death of the eaglet also impacted some schoolchildren, who began their Monday morning lesson by watching the eagle webcam, she said.

The teachers took the opportunity to explain aspects of nature and life in the wild to their students, she said.

The older eaglet remains in the nest.

The foundation has set up webcams to monitor three nesting pairs of bald eagles on B.C.'s south coast.

Besides the nest on Hornby Island, there is another nest near Sidney on Vancouver Island ? which can be watched live on CBC News's B.C. regional website ? and one in Delta in Metro Vancouver.


I find these animal webcams a bit upsetting! I know its only nature but you feel so helpless when something goes wrong!
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