The Anxiety and Depression Workbook for Teens
Manage your anxiety and depression, and take charge of your life with this fun and engaging workbook.As a teen, you’re going through a lot. School is becom...

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Identify Your Thinking Traps
Name | Description | Example |
Black-or-White | You think in black or white with no shades of gray. | “If I don’t get an A+ in this class, then I’m a failure.” |
End of the World | You predict the worst and blow things out of proportion. | “I’ll never get into college or have a successful career.” |
Filtering | You focus on negatives while ignoring positives of the situation. | “Yes, I got an A on the paper but still misspelled a word.” |
Fortune Telling | You think you can predict the future and typically predict the negative. | “I’m not going to get the part in the school play.” |
Mind Reading | You think you know what people think and why they do what they do. | “He’s lying to let me down easy, but he really wants to break up.” |
Overgeneralization | You draw conclusions based on a single event or piece of evidence. | “I missed a dance step. I’m a horrible dancer.” |
Should, Must | You have ironclad rules that you think you and others should follow. | “I must get good grades.” “He should be on time.” |
Doom and Gloom | You jump to negative conclusions before you have all the facts. | “They don’t like me because they didn’t invite me to the party.” |
Labeling | You put negative labels on yourself or on other people. | “I’m boring.” “He’s an idiot.” |
Fallacy of Fairness | You think that you know what’s fair, but other people don’t agree. | “It’s not fair that she has a boyfriend and I don’t.” |
Fallacy of Change | You think that you can change people if you pressure them enough. | “Although she said no, I’ll get her to go with me to the prom.” |
Heaven’s Reward | You think that your sacrifice will pay off someday. | “If I’m nice to her no matter how mean she is, one day she’ll like me.” |
Being Right | You think you need to be right and you will go to any length to prove it. | “You don’t know what you’re talking about. The sky is green.” |
Personalization | You think that what people say or do is a reaction to you. | “It’s all my fault that Julie didn’t enjoy my birthday party.” |