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My roommate is having a baby in a couple of weeks, and she has recently received a lot of stress due to her and her husbands preferred name for the child, Geronimo.

I personally think it is a nice name although it has a lot of associations and history behind it. I think that the concern is enough though that my friends would probably benefit from outside, unbiased oppinion. Any input would be appreciated.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I must say, what popped into my mind was "a playground beating just waiting to happen"...

There are some names that are distinctive for an adult but misery for kids and teens, where being distinctive and "standing out" is rarely the goal.

I think parents should think about what the experience of the child is going to be before choosing a "different" name.


maybe they can shorten it to Ger.. for a few yrs.(or more), till the child is able to withstand any untoward attention, Maybe even till teens..
or bettr yet.. give the child a diff first name and put geronimo as a second name.

just me tuppence worth.


These are all good points. It's a tough call.

My friends have another daughter named Sophia Blue. It's a little different, but very pretty in my oppinion. Perhaps I will suggest the idea of having the boy's second name be Geronimo.

The dynamics of the situation are difficult because the grandparents of the children are very strongly against the name, and they are resorting more to emotions I feel, than reason. And of course, no one likes to give in to bullying.

I will pass on these ideas though. Thanks for your thought.


I agree that using Geronimo as a middle name instead of a first name is probably a much better idea. Growing up isn't easy under the best of circumstances. If your name is Geronimo, that isn't going to make it any easier, for sure!

I can understand the parents' resistance to being bullied by relatives concerning the naming of their child. However, I think if the parents put their own emotions aside and look at the whole situation from the child's point of view, they'll see the reason in making Geronimo a middle name if they feel strongly about having it as part of the child's identity.


Reading this post, I think I am in a good position to step forward as one who has had to deal all his life with the implications of a...different name. As a baby boy, my parents {gave me an unusual name}. Let's just say I don't care for it that much.

As far as the name, Geronimo, I doubt many children his age would even recognize it for what it is - it's the year 2006, and no children running around on the playground these days know anything, or are likely even taught anything about its significance. With that aside, it certainly is a different name, so if any ridicule from his peers were to occur, it would probably be due to its distinctiveness.
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