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The Various Ways We Can Feed Our Souls
by Margarita Tartakovsky, PsychCentral
Retrieved Oct 1 2017

A few days ago, in this piece, I talked about the power of feeding our souls?and how we can do it. Below are other ideas, some of which I hope resonate with you. And if they don?t, I hope they inspire you to search for what does satiate your soul. Think of it as a fun experiment.

  • Go outside every day and take a picture of something your 7-year-old self would?ve marveled over.
  • Have a monthly ?truth? dinner with friends, where you talk about the many truths you?re going through and struggling with.
  • Write letters to the people you want to show your love, appreciation and support to.
  • Write a letter of forgiveness to yourself. Forgive yourself for that bad decision, for that failure, for not paying attention, for not being productive. Write about why you were upset with yourself. Write about a lesson you learned. Write about why you?re forgiving yourself. Pick one thing, even a small thing, and forgive yourself.
  • Draw your soul. What does it look like? What resides inside? (You might create a collage of images, as well.)
  • Read this kind of writing, and this kind of writing. For me, words regularly nourish the cells of my soul. Find the words that do that for you.
  • Take an item that belonged to someone special who passed away, and create art with it. Weave it into a tapestry of old, new, forever.
  • Browse art shops, galleries, museums, libraries, bakeries, mom-and-pop shops that remind you of the magic of making.
  • Start a blog. Submit an essay somewhere. Start writing your own book. Express yourself, somehow, through words.
  • Give yourself the time, space and permission to feel your feelings. To accept them as they are. To not change them. To process them precisely as they are, without getting angry with yourself.
  • Start a garden of any size. And watch the incredible process of nature.
  • Take 10 minutes to draw your loved one. Sit across from each other. Focus on their eyes, ears, hair or hands. Then have them draw you. Because how often do we look people in the eye? How often do we look at their faces? How often do we look close enough to remember the various hues inside their eyes, their hair, to remember the lines on their hands?

It also can help to answer these questions: What kinds of experiences and activities inspire you on a deeper level? What excites and uplifts you? What kinds of experiences and activities rejuvenate you? What calms you? What gives you purpose? What reminds you of a greater power? What excites you enough to jump out of bed? How do you define ?soul?? What is part of your spiritual self-care? What do you want to incorporate in your spiritual self-care? What nourishes you on a cellular level?
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