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I just wanted to say that I hope that your appt. with your doctor goes well this morning and that you are able to move your appt with your therapist up a day. Also, please try not to worry about work (I know easier said that done right?) If you need to be off for yourself to get better than that is what is going to have to happen. They can and will survive without you (trust me on this....I am slowly learning that I don't have to do it all for everyone :))

I hope that you get the help that you need and deserve. I also hope that you got a good nights sleep last night.

Take care and let us know how it goes with the doctor today.

Rosa, good suggestion about a safe place !!


just checking it to see how you are doing baseballcap....let us know when you get a chance.
In friendship


...still no update??? I hope your doing well and want to leave this so you'll know i've been thinking about you and wondering how your doing.
yesterday and today were the two hardest days in my life. i don't want to describe too much what happened but essentially i genuinely wanted to die. i got the help i needed and i am ok now. i cannot describe how thankful i am that i got through what i was feeling. also i am off work for a while and this is helping me hugely. everything is going to be ok now. i am exhausted so need to get some rest but just wanted to let you know. i am so grateful my children still have their mother.


It's a great relief to hear you're feeling better, that you got help, and that you're over the crisis, baseballcap. Get some rest and know we're here for you.

Big hugs!


I'm so glad your ok and now you have some time to rest. Thanks for the update as I was worried about you. I too, am glad your kids still have their mother and I'm glad your here too!
In friendship



I am also glad that you are doing better and now that things have calmed down a bit and you know that you have some time off work than maybe you can get some much deserved and needed rest.

Take care of yourself and glad to hear the update.
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