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Hi. I am new to this and am quite freaked out as to what is happening right now. I ended up in the ER of a psych. hospital this weekend because I had a major meltdown. I have been treated by a shrink once a week for the past 15 yrs and always wonder why it has taken so long and I am not cured. I ask him if it will happen and he does not know. He gave me the diagnosis of PTSD but it makes partial sense only. I say to him that I have these episodes of rage and sadness and I need to know what it answer! Well I yelled at the shrink at the hospital this weekend and broke down and he told me I have Borderline. He says my shrink(of 15yrs) didn't tell me because he is afraid of how I may react and what I would do to myself! Is this common practice? Ihave left a message at his office but don't know if he will call back. This whole thing started because he set me off by not calling me back. In November when I missed my appt he didn't call back for 6 days and the 2nd time, well...he still hasn't called. Does anyone have any insight ?


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Hi Dasha - and welcome to Psychlinks! :)

As for your question, I don't know the answer. But maybe someone here has some insight. I would think that it wouldn't be common practice to not disclose a diagnosis...


Welcome to Psychlinks, Dasha! Sorrry to hear about your difficult experience.

Is your long term (15 years) therapist a psychiatrist, psychologist or other health professional?

He says my shrink(of 15yrs) didn't tell me because he is afraid of how I may react and what I would do to myself!

What is the concern about what you might you do to yourself?

In November when I missed my appt he didn't call back for 6 days and the 2nd time, well...he still hasn't called. Does anyone have any insight ?

Is thee a secretary or nurse in his office you can speak to? What about a visit in person to find out why your calls are not returned.

Is there a chance the doctor is away, or retired? Is there a substitute available when your doctor is away? How has it been handled in the past when he's away?


Hi. thanks for the support. My shrink is a psychiatrist and a tough one at that. Doesn't let me get out of anything I have started. I guess the shrink I saw on the weekend thinks it might set off something should my current psych tell me what I have, but that is just crazy. And I don't know if he is away because I haven't spoken to anyone in over 2 weeks as all I got was one message over 10 days ago. There isn't anyone else I can speak to.That is why I went to the other hospital on the weekend. I thought I was going to do something in a fit of rage but that has now calmed down. I was given a prescription for Seroquel and I don't know if it is the med or my completely erratic system but it knocked me right out for the whole day yesterday. Is that normal at 25mg??!

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I was given a prescription for Seroquel and I don't know if it is the med or my completely erratic system but it knocked me right out for the whole day yesterday. Is that normal at 25mg??!

I'd say it's pretty common, at least when you first start taking it.


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Welcome Dasha. :)

I have a PTSD diagnosis too. I know that symptoms are triggered by stress so you may always experience some symptoms when your stress levels are high.

Saying that, everyone experience the same things when under stress - maybe not at the same level but I don't know. Sometimes life can be rough so making the distingtion between PTSD symptoms and the stardard things life can throw at any of us is helpful.

Glad your here.


All I can say is that I was a reving maniac this past weekend and it seems to be getting worse. Thanks for the support. t just helps to know I am not alone. Have a great day!


Hi Dasha and welcome to Psychlinks :welcome2:

I am glad that you found us and I hope to see you around :wave:


Thank you so much. I am really glad I found the forum and even happier that I finally have a handle on what the diagnosis is even though having Borderline can be really tough.


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Hi Dasha,

I found this place not too long ago and it offered me a lot (and continues to do that).

I'm glad you found this place too.:)
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