More threads by texasgirl

There isn't a pool around here inside but I am trying to think of other things. I used to be a lifeguard. I am a good swimmer. But not as good as I used to be. If my husband goes with me I can ride my bike. I have a good bike but I am kind of off balance right now because of the medicines. I will ask him this weekend. If anybody has any good recipes maybe I will cook them. I am a good cook. I feel shaky about doing anything right now.


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Hey TG,

Reading Nancy's and HeartArt's post got me thinking about hobbies - they can even be as fun as colouring, just for the heck of it. I found some mandala colouring pages on the web, printed them off and started colouring them in. Very relaxing.

Do you find hobbies such as colouring, doodling ralaxing? Anything else come to mind about hobbies of the playful sort?
I like needlepoint but my hands are very shaky right now. Maybe it would help if I tried it again to make them less shaky. I am pretty good at it. Coloring might be good. I have color books from my kids. Might help my hands.

I like crocheting but forgot how to start it and need the yarn and needles. The best thing that I cook is Cajun food especially gumbo.

I used to live outside of New Orleans and learned to cook Cajun food and dance to the music.
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