Laurie said:It is so nice to meet you. My heart goes out to you –truly. I wish I were a counselor and could help you. Maybe I can just talk to you?
Laurie said:I would love to ask you some questions but if you would like me not to, please tell me. If you don’t want to answer, or know the answer,that’s ok too.
Laurie said:I hope this is not insulting to you for me to share some similar behaviour and feelings I have had in the past. Please let me know if I offend you in any way as I wish only to help.
Laurie said:The word ‘lost’ makes me think of when I feel like I’m all alone and don’t belong anywhere. Do you feel that way sometimes?
Laurie said:When you are thinking of cutting yourself or anything else, can you put into words what you think this will do for you?
Laurie said:I also, have never been to a therapist. I feel like I cannot talk to strangers about things so personal and I do not trust people.
Laurie said:I must also urge you to try to find a ‘live’ therapist. If this web site can help people like you and me, can you imagine finding a live person who can do it? Wouldn’t that be great?
Laurie said:How would you like to help someone? At school? At home? A friend? What would be the perfect situation for helping someone?
Laurie said:What you are doing is so good and healthy.
Laurie said:Speaking of happiness, if you could have anything in the world, any kind of life, job, hobby, lifestyle, anything at all - what would that be?
Enigma said:Laurie said:It is so nice to meet you. My heart goes out to you –truly. I wish I were a counselor and could help you. Maybe I can just talk to you?
Laurie, it’s nice to “meet” you too. Thank you for your reply – that in itself has been a great reassurance to me. Anyone who can reach out in the way that everyone has in this thread – and especially you – from such a distance is really someone special to me. I find that I need a lot of reassurance to make me feel somewhat better about myself. I wish I could find it easier to accept compliments and believe what people say about me as I don’t think the same way.
Laurie said:I would love to ask you some questions but if you would like me not to, please tell me. If you don’t want to answer, or know the answer,that’s ok too.
Feel free to ask me questions – I’m not sure if I’ll be able to answer all of them but I will try my best. I believe that when people ask questions it would help me to form some sort of “knowledge base” to aid me in talking more; reason being is that I don’t know how to string words properly together into a complex question, and also it would encourage me to think about what I really want to achieve.
Laurie said:I hope this is not insulting to you for me to share some similar behaviour and feelings I have had in the past. Please let me know if I offend you in any way as I wish only to help.
I was not insulted or offended, but thank you for thinking about my feelings in advance.
Laurie said:The word ‘lost’ makes me think of when I feel like I’m all alone and don’t belong anywhere. Do you feel that way sometimes?
Yes, I do feel like that - more often than not, and I don't like it at all.
Laurie said:When you are thinking of cutting yourself or anything else, can you put into words what you think this will do for you?
For me, I thought that cutting would let out what was vile within and for someone who doesn’t like pain, I can’t understand why I ever did such a thing. When I first started, I did not know what effect it would have, but I soon realized that it calmed me down like nothing else. Maybe I had a daring streak to my personality and did not care about myself – I only wanted to hurt myself so much. I did not think about the consequences of my actions and now regret it very much.
Laurie said:I also, have never been to a therapist. I feel like I cannot talk to strangers about things so personal and I do not trust people.
I also find it hard to trust people. I find it easier to talk to someone I don’t know as they wouldn’t be able to form an impression and judge me on their previous knowledge about me.
Laurie said:I must also urge you to try to find a ‘live’ therapist. If this web site can help people like you and me, can you imagine finding a live person who can do it? Wouldn’t that be great?
Yes, that might be good for me – if only I can learn how to talk again. It seems like I’m two or three different people. When I’m outside I’m afraid of what people may think of me – mainly because they do not see the true me; but then again, I do not know what the “true me” might be as I have never felt comfortable with myself.
I know I have the brains to talk as I often found that I was speaking in my mind what I wanted to say but another part of my brain was not triggering the right receptors to produce the response – i.e. a voice using words to communicate! Therefore, I’m going to train that part of the brain to not let me “close up” when I need to talk. I’m not sure how I’ll do this, but I believe I’m getting more talkative already! If I believe it will work, then it will work! Believing is the key – I just have to unlock the potential. I have no idea about my theories but I’ll try it out.
I just want to get that bottle I’ve been filling up and smash it to pieces and start again! Create a new identity for myself; one where I can feel secure and at ease with myself. I think that’s the main part of what’s eating me – my personality – I don’t want to be alone anymore, I don’t want to feel persecuted, I don’t want to be demoralised – all this because of something wrong with my personality.
Laurie said:How would you like to help someone? At school? At home? A friend? What would be the perfect situation for helping someone?
In a nutshell, I would like to help someone give a smile. Giving developing countries a chance to experience the richer life we have. Helping someone find peace of mind. Finding a way for people to lead better lives. I just don’t know how to aid people when I can’t seem to discover a way to help myself. When I can help someone I have a great sense of fulfilment.
Laurie said:What you are doing is so good and healthy.
What am I doing? Sometimes I don’t realize what I’m doing is good.
Laurie said:Speaking of happiness, if you could have anything in the world, any kind of life, job, hobby, lifestyle, anything at all - what would that be?
I would like to be able to improve my compositions and write a book. I want to feel like I truly exist in this world, and doing those things will help me know that. I would like a secure job that interests me – but there are so many things I want to do that perhaps is not humanly possible. Maybe I want too much or have too many immaterial ambitions but it matters to me and somehow I don’t think this will ever be achieved. I want a world free of wars for generations upon generations. I would like everyone to lead a satisfied and happy life because when I look deeper I know that this world is actually a good place to inhabit – nature is beautiful, but do animals feel suicidal? I know I do think quite stupidly sometimes.
Whenever I run from the pain it always catches up with me and seeks to destroy my being. If I build a wall, like I have been doing, I can block the pain out, but if I keep on building walls, I end up trapped with nowhere to go and will be tormented in what I have created for myself. Is there another way I can be rid of this? If I faced the pain, be wise to its deceptions, I can find a way to liberate myself – but it takes careful planning, time and endurance to lead a fulfilled life. And so I’m still waiting.
Again, sorry I wrote so much and I hope I made sense. I find it difficult to express myself, and writing does not come easy for me, no matter what you may think of my writing.
Hi Enigma! It's good to hear from youI find that I need a lot of reassurance to make me feel somewhat better about myself. I wish I could find it easier to accept compliments and believe what people say about me as I don’t think the same way.
I'm glad you think this way. I am like that too. That's also why I read discussions on this forum. It helps me open up my mind to things I have not thought of, cause what I have thought of certainly isn't enough. It's interesting that you say it would encourage you to think about what you want. I hadn't thought of it that way. I'm always trying to figure out the things that happened in my past. I have great difficulty trying to decide what I really want. I think I don't know how to want something. Strange huh? It is to me. Sounds really weird to be saying it too.I believe that when people ask questions it would help me to form some sort of “knowledge base” to aid me in talking more; reason being is that I don’t know how to string words properly together into a complex question, and also it would encourage me to think about what I really want to achieve.
I hate it. Someone in another post said she felt like a 'spectator'. I thought that was a good way to put it. Like everyone around you is living and you really aren't - you just watch them. I just want to find my niche and feel like I'm in the right place and I belong there and there is balance in my life. I just don't know what that looks like so it's hard for me to reach for it. Make sense?Yes, I do feel like that - more often than not, and I don't like it at all.
I cannot imagine what you must be going through as I have never done this. you remember what went through your mind the first time? I was thinking that that must have been the hardest and I'm wondering what made you cross the line and actually do it. I also wonder if the physical pain (in addition to the symbolism of letting out what is vile) isn't a distraction and easier than the emotional pain. When pain was too much for me, I used to allow men to degrade me - it got me attention but not the kind I was desperate for, but it also made me hit rock bottom and when you do that, you can only come up and that was the only way I knew to get myself in the upward swing. Terrible, terrible consequences I am facing now because of those choices. Now, I watch serial killer movies. I am so fascinated by the criminal mind and it is so dark and heavy and intriquing that it helps me forget or put in place whatever is upsetting me. For some strange reason, I also feel stronger afterwards. I also think it's an outlet for my anger. I bottle everything, and when I get really really mad, I just watch some of my movies and I'm not mad anymore. Can you see that I'm really not dealing with it at all? That's another reason I read this forum. I need to grow up and really face all this stuff.For me, I thought that cutting would let out what was vile within and for someone who doesn’t like pain, I can’t understand why I ever did such a thing. When I first started, I did not know what effect it would have, but I soon realized that it calmed me down like nothing else. Maybe I had a daring streak to my personality and did not care about myself – I only wanted to hurt myself so much. I did not think about the consequences of my actions and now regret it very much.
Exactly. And, I don't worry about running into someone I talk to on here when I'm not ready to talk about something or face it right then. And it's not scheduled. I can come and talk when I can/want and I'm in control. I really love this because it makes me 100% accountable for my choice to try to get better and I don't have to give anyone else credit for that. It's not muddied up with having to keep an appointment or feel obligated. I think the more we make good choices, the easier it gets. And the better we feel about ourselves, the easier it will be to feel comfortable facing someone in person without all the hangups. What do you think?I also find it hard to trust people. I find it easier to talk to someone I don’t know as they wouldn’t be able to form an impression and judge me on their previous knowledge about me.
Yep. I understand this one too. My Mom was always asking me what I was thinking etc... and I used to get so frustrated and feel so dumb because I could not answer her. She would push harder and harder and I just couldn't think of a word. It was more like a picture in my mind and I could not think of words to describe the picture.I know I have the brains to talk as I often found that I was speaking in my mind what I wanted to say but another part of my brain was not triggering the right receptors to produce the response
I believe you are exactly right. And what a positive and brave attitude! It really encourages me to read these words. Thanks!If I believe it will work, then it will work! Believing is the key – I just have to unlock the potential. I have no idea about my theories but I’ll try it out.
When you think of creating a new identity, what are the ingredients/characteristics you think of? I'm going to think of this too. It's a good way to find out how to reach my goals. In other words, if security is an ingredient in the 'new you' how did you get it? Was it just always there? Were you raised differently and that was the result? Or do you just react differently? or.....Create a new identity for myself; one where I can feel secure and at ease with myself.
Do you think something is wrong with your personality or did someone tell you this? What do you think is wrong?all this because of something wrong with my personality.
You are putting a lot of effort into becoming the person you want to be. I'm sure it's not always easy to come talk here. I know for me it isn't. But you keep working at finding out how to feel better, be better. That's very positive -don't you think so?What am I doing? Sometimes I don’t realize what I’m doing is good.
I think it would be wonderful if you wrote a book! Any idea what you would write about?I would like to be able to improve my compositions and write a book. I want to feel like I truly exist in this world, and doing those things will help me know that.......... I would like a secure job that interests me – but there are so many things I want to do that perhaps is not humanly possible. Maybe I want too much or have too many immaterial ambitions but it matters to me and somehow I don’t think this will ever be achieved.
Ooh, you are so right here. I have been cementing the walls for years and it is so hard to try to dissolve them. I shake while I'm typing on here sometimes. And you're also right, we create these things for ourselves. That's why I think it's so good that we keep talking and reading here. I think it's very helpful and healing. I hope we both find the way out of this.Whenever I run from the pain it always catches up with me and seeks to destroy my being. If I build a wall, like I have been doing, I can block the pain out, but if I keep on building walls, I end up trapped with nowhere to go and will be tormented in what I have created for myself. Is there another way I can be rid of this?
I'm glad you wrote what you did. I want to hear what you have to say and you made perfect sense to me and I look forward to hearing from you again.Again, sorry I wrote so much and I hope I made sense. I find it difficult to express myself, and writing does not come easy for me, no matter what you may think of my writing.
Enigma said:This is what they teach me
This is how I feel
This is but the alphabet
This is what is real.
They fail to understand
They can’t see through my skin
They never seem to notice
They lost me to the wind.
I didn't want to start a new topic. I just feel so on edge today.