More threads by Murray


I have been trying to get up the courage to post here for quite a while. I am pretty shy and not the most open, so it has been hard for me to decide that I could actually do this. Plus I am kind of technologically challenged and am not sure that I am even doing this correctly. I am also really afraid that my therapist will somehow see what I post here, so I have been very worried about posting for that reason.

After being miserable and very unproductive for a period of a couple of years my husband finally convinced me to go back into therapy about a year ago. I had previously been in therapy about 12 years ago. At that time I was very depressed. Most days it was all I could do to just get out of bed and move to the couch. This time it took me so long to go talk to someone because I was still somewhat functional (most days I could make it to work). I have to say that I am really grateful for him pushing me to enter therapy again as I am hoping to actually be a happy and productive person someday.

My therapist is great and extremely patient as I think that I am a pretty difficult patient. It's not that I am non-compliant or anything, I just have such a hard time actually talking and sharing. It has taken all this time before I have really built up the trust necessary to really feel comfortable talking to him. Most of the time it is still extremely difficult for me to actually say much in my sessions. Often my mind will go completely blank and I will start shaking. So now I bring in my journals each week, so he can see what I am thinking and feeling, which has been a huge help. He also really likes to do EMDR which has been very difficult for me since I can't stand to have people look at me and whenever he gets within a few feet of me I start to panic. With time, I seem to be getting better and having less anxiety.

I entered therapy this time thinking that I was just depressed. Oh yeah, I also have been having lots of panic attacks with increasing frequency over the past few years along with insomnia. As we have been progressing I just keep finding out that I have more and more issues. It has been mentioned that I have OCD, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Social Anxiety, Body Dismorphic Disorder, plus I have discovered that a whole host of other symptoms that I just thought were quirks are actually all related. I don't have an extreme case of any of the above, just tendencies. For example, although I have BDD, I have never had (or tried to have) any plastic surgery.

I apologize for rambling on so much here. It was just hard to know what to write and what to leave out. This has gone on way too long, so I better stop for now. I just wanted to say "hi" and say that this is a wonderfully informative site and everyone here seems to be so generous and supportive.


Resident Canuck
Re: very uncertain

:hithere: Murray. We are a good bunch of folks here, you will see :support: No need to be afraid of us.

Interms of being technically challenged. I am too in many ways :blush: but if a post is in the wrong forum, that is what us moderators are for is to correct that.

No need to be concerned about that.

Glad you introduced yourself, nice to meet you!


Account Closed
I have been trying to get up the courage to post here for quite a while. I am pretty shy and not the most open, so it has been hard for me to decide that I could actually do this. Plus I am kind of technologically challenged and am not sure that I am even doing this correctly. I am also really afraid that my therapist will somehow see what I post here, so I have been very worried about posting for that reason.

Technologically challenged over here too. And also on the paranoid side - what ever will my psychologist discover when she reads the internet.... :)(and I've shared this site with her).

It's all ok Murray....I know it's all hard. We trudge through it as we can, one minute by one minute.

I'm fairly functional too. I can plaster a smile on my face and make it through the day. At work, I'm known as "smiley" because I'm always smiling. It doesn't diminish what I'm going through...But whatever I'm going through, I need to do it on my own...You have a partner...lean on him, I promise that he needs you to do just that...:)

My therapist is great and extremely patient as I think that I am a pretty difficult patient. It's not that I am non-compliant or anything, I just have such a hard time actually talking and sharing.'re not a difficult client - you're a typical one. :) It takes time. In recent times, I've found myself breaking down during these sessions, without truly appreciating why...My therapist has been good about it. Our mind has an incredible propensity to protect us from anything that is painful...Just trust your therapist. You're not offering anything that they haven't already seen AND, that session is all about you - just remember that. Offering you :support:...keep talking to us.


Thanks so much for the warm welcomes.

I definitely appreciate how lucky I am to have a partner and I do lean on him...often too much. I have a very hard time driving and going places by myself. There are only a handful of places that I am able to go to without a companion. So, he has to take me places and be my support whenever I go just about anywhere. I feel like such a burden, but he usually doesn't seem to mind too much. I am trying in therapy to extend my boundaries, among other things. It would be nice to be able to just go somewhere without ending up having a panic attack. Even being outside alone for more than a minute or two is too much for me. It is so frustrating! I get so angry with myself for being so weak and afraid all the time. I can't imagine how I would function if I was alone.

Thanks again for making me feel welcome.

I just wanted to make a note on the EMDR. Is he doing the EMDR while looking at your eyes and using the hand movements? Because I find that this type can make people feel rather uncomfortable.
I have done EMDR many times and my eyes are closed the whole time, and inside of hand movements infront of my eyes, my therapist does continuous tapping on my knees. This seems to work better because I feel more conected to her without the pressure of wanting to look away. I'm not very good with up close eye contact, if you aren't already doing it this way, maybe suggest it to your therapist - It might just work!



Thanks so much for the response eye stigmata. Initially he tried to do EMDR by tapping on the back of my hands. This was great because I could keep my eyes closed. Unfortunately, I really don't like to be touched so I would start to panic and we would have to stop. So, now we try EMDR with him sitting about 4 feet away from me (as I get anxious if he gets any closer) and I follow a pen with my eyes.
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