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I have a phobia about waking up and there being a pair of eyes looking at me.
I do not - i stress, DO NOT - have a fear of eyes, infact they are especially important to me. I find them the most distinctive and attractive feature of a person - what i notice first - and i believe they are the pathways to the soul; my doner card says they can have everything except my eyes. But i have a fear of waking up with eyes infront of me.
I also have phasmophobia and do not like the dark - so i was wondering; does anyone else have this waking-up-to-eyes phobia, or is it just me.
Also, could the three things; fear of the dark, phobia of ghosts and phobia of waking-eyes; be because of each other?


Whew, I understand. I have the exact same problem. I would say that they are all related. Has anything weird happened to you that would cause this fear?

I have kids. Try waking up in the middle of the night to some hardly recognized figure staring at you. Oh, they never want to wake me up. I always do, though. Guess scaring the poop out of me is okay. Sheesh.


yeah, aren't kids the best for scaring the wits out of you :)

although i like the sound of KK-o-phobia; makes me sound important :-D

no, i dont recall anything perticular happening to me - just that i didn't like waking up as a baby with people watching me (i'd scream the house down, apparently) - so its something i've had since early childhood (i'm talking like 9-12 months here).
That and my family is a very mystical family - we're Christians but everyone has some sort of ghost story or some kind of run in with the paranormal; and for my grandma she (claims to have) lived with the paranormal for quite some time.

Everyone in my family is ok with ghosts and the paranormal, and it makes me feel inadequate that i am afraid so much of the dark and need all the lights on in the house. I can stand the dark, dont get me wrong, but i prefer the light and the actual phobias become more pronounced in the dark - probably reinforced by this idea that in the dark lies the ghosts and the bogeyman (although we dont call him the bogeyman in England).

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No. Born a C ockney, son of a C ockney lad and a Yorkshire lass. I never knew my paternal grandfather and to be honest I don't know if I ever knew what my maternal grandfather did, other than talk a blue streak and drive like a maniac...


i never knew my maternal granddad either; but i'm surprised your granddad still has a licence - mine was lethal on the roads - taking his licence away was the cleverest thing this governement did...

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
He's deceased now, actually, but from what I recall of the roads around the Yorkshire moors, I'm not sure his driving style was any more insane than that of his neighbors...


sod the moors; Yorkshire itsself was murder! try driving through wakefield in morning rushhour if you ever find yourself in need of a stomach ulser and a head throb... fun times, eh? :)


I was curious because I've had a few odd things happen (and no, I wasn't off my meds :) and I can get a little weird in the dark.


Here's what I've found. Ommetophobia is the fear of eyes. That's the closest I've found. And, phasmophobia is the fear of ghosts.
I can really relate to what you said about fear of ghosts. I too have a fear of ghosts, which I've had for years now. My grandmother has her ghost stories and has never seemed afraid of them as well. And, my grandfather said he used to see one in the house that I grew up in and wasn't afraid either. My mom doesn't really believe in them and doesn't worry about it. I'm the only one who seems to have this fear as well.
I tell you what, I got the poop scared out of me last week from this. I'd never been so scared in my entire life as I was then. I was home alone when this happened which made it that much worse. It got to the point where every tiny noice or movement made me jump and scream and I was bawling and couldn't stop shaking my hands from being so scared and nervous. It took me at least an hr. after my step-dad got home to start calming down and for the whole night I was on edge and had that "weird" fearful feeling.
I have that fear as well as mild agoraphobia...I'm afraid to be alone and go out into the world alone and to be somewhere unfamiliar, like going to a friends house overnight, I'll end up comming home in the middle of the night...I can however go into stores without panicing though and walk down the street alone and all. I also have social phobia...I become nervous around those I don't know and my mind goes blank at times when someone says something to me and I have no clue what to respond...I never know what to say to anyone, and I don't like talking on the phone...I try to avoid it as much as possible.
I'll tell you what helped me. I prayed to God to heal me from my fears and all the feelings I get associated with those fears and now I feel alot better. I don't feel that "weird" fearful feeling when night hits and I don't seem to worry about ghosts like I did. I feel more like I can go out and do things and not be afraid now. I feel so much better and I do feel happier each day. I believe that praying to God asking for his healing touch and his help is the best thing that anyone can do.
Just thought I'd share that with you.
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