More threads by BluMac81


Why bother with this life. 26 years I have lived and have never felt happiness, only pain, sorrow, agony, regret, remorse, and the like. I try to 'stop and smell the roses' so to speak in my everyday life but really....see nothing positive outthere. I enjoy nothing.

I sit here now staring at three bottles of pills... and thinking about how I could end it all right now. End all of my to-do lists, my obligations, my unending depression.

But... leaving behind a deep pain for my sisters and mother who a care about and love deeply is too much for me to bear, even beyond death. So suffice to say, they are the reason why i am still alive. Otherwise I don't see a point in this drab world.


At times like this Blumac you need to hang onto whatever you can that will help you through. What it seems to be right now for you is the love that you have for your mother and sisters. Please hang onto that love that you have for them and they have for you and that love will pull you through.

If you are in need of help and find yourself in danger, call the crisis line again or go to your local emergency room. There are people out there that can help you. You don't need to suffer on your own.

Take care


At times like this Blumac you need to hang onto whatever you can that will help you through. What it seems to be right now for you is the love that you have for your mother and sisters. Please hang onto that love that you have for them and they have for you and that love will pull you through.

If you are in need of help and find yourself in danger, call the crisis line again or go to your local emergency room. There are people out there that can help you. You don't need to suffer on your own.

Take care

Thank you Halo. I will hang onto that love. Nomatter what.
i know how difficult it is, being where you are, believing there is no point to life. i've been there, and it is not a good place to be.

hang on to your mother and your sisters as reasons to live. they need you in their lives.

i was in a very desperate place myself at one time, and didn't know how i could possibly get through the unbearable pain. but somehow i survived and got through. i am so happy i did.

don't give up, things can change for the better, and as you say, things always do change.

this post may be of help to you.
When you feel you can't go on - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Forum


i know how difficult it is, being where you are, believing there is no point to life. i've been there, and it is not a good place to be.

hang on to your mother and your sisters as reasons to live. they need you in their lives.

i was in a very desperate place myself at one time, and didn't know how i could possibly get through the unbearable pain. but somehow i survived and got through. i am so happy i did.

don't give up, things can change for the better, and as you say, things always do change.

this post may be of help to you.
When you feel you can't go on - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Forum

I believe you
I wont give up


I read your post only this morning Blumac. How are things this morning?

I am perfectly fine :) slept a good 9 hours which did wonders. Luckily, these nasty bouts of suicidal depression are rare for me, but when they hit, they hit HARD.

Thank you everyone for helping me through the dark times :)


when i woke up this morning you were the first thing on my mind. are you "okay" today?
Aww sorry to worry you so...
I am just fine today. Hopeful about a new week. :)
Thank you for talking me through and being a friend during my 'dark' times :)
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I am so glad to hear that you are feeling a lot better today and that you have come out of that dark period.



Hello Blumac,

As has been said, your family is your reason to live. Do they live close by?

Have you ever talked to your doctor, your family or spiritual advisor about your suicidal thoughts?

Have you ever made an attempt at suicide sometime in the past?

Be sure that if and when these thoughts invade your thinking again, that you can share your feelings here for support.


Well, unfortunately I meant I felt 'physically' better. Today I felt almost like an 'aftershock depression' of the nasty bout I had last night. Just a moderate feeling of depression all throughout the day. Sure doesn't help when I look at my wrist which reminds me of that dark hour... (the SI)
Anyway psycologist appt. tommorow at 11am. I am hopeful that she can help!


Even feeling physically better is a start and feeling moderate depression is definitely better than the really dark place that you were in the other night.

I am sure that your appointment today with your psychologist will be helpful. Good luck :goodluck: and let us know how it goes.

Take care


Even feeling physically better is a start and feeling moderate depression is definitely better than the really dark place that you were in the other night.

I am sure that your appointment today with your psychologist will be helpful. Good luck :goodluck: and let us know how it goes.

Take care

It definitely is.
So met up with the psycologist today, told her my situation (I have two main issues the panic/suicidal/extreme depressive state and the lingering mild/moderate depression every day), and she reccomended CBT therapy with I agree would help (had started it before way back but never fully got into it). Gonna stick with it this time. Got my 5-column daily record of dysfunctional thoughts, "warning signs' worksheets and gonna staple them to my precious to-do list and update them as needed. Really gonna work with it this time, apply myself.

By the way, is it just me or does it seem like all pscyologists have this 'casual' attitude when treating you, a big contrast from medical doctors. I guess it helps the patient to open up. But I just noticed that with all the psychologist I've been to, they've all been like that. lol
i am glad you met with her and that you're dedicated to working on the cbt :) now there may be days where you may feel you aren't able to do it and then get depressed thoughts about that. that is perfectly ok if that happens. don't expect perfection from yourself. take it one day at a time, and if you run out of motivation there's always psychlinks to give you a boost. all you have to do is ask :)


i am glad you met with her and that you're dedicated to working on the cbt :) now there may be days where you may feel you aren't able to do it and then get depressed thoughts about that. that is perfectly ok if that happens. don't expect perfection from yourself. take it one day at a time, and if you run out of motivation there's always psychlinks to give you a boost. all you have to do is ask :)

Thank you so much, and thank you to everyone for your support!
I actually mention this forum often when in session, matter of fact the 3 antidepressants reccomended in these forums I am going to mention to my psychiatrist as plausable options :) you guys are a great help!
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