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Yes, David. I meant the flashbacks. I am not having them as frequently, but the severity is still numbing. Sorry about the panicked posts, but that nite caught me off guard. I been having mostly good days and that nite was awfully hard to handle.


just a quick post to say i was wondering how you and your husband are and hope all is going well. Keep your chin up for things will get better!
There is light at the end of the tunnel just got to hang on til you can see it and grab on tight.
Warm wishes
hugs jaine


Auburn i was thinking today have you tried oh i can't think of the name....Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) it's meant to help with dealing and processing information from one side of the brain into the other. Ie. wrong side of the brain into the memory. Maybe you could research it and think about it... there's some info about it at this address:

just a thought, also my counsellor from CASA who i saw last year gave me some ideas to do when i'm haing a flash back ill get them to you as soon as i can find them
take care of yourself,
hugs jaine
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