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i have to go in a min.. to this apt.. and i can't seem to help the way i feel. i shouldn't be anxious\nervous, but i am...? ?even the thoughts of going out of the house is causing a problem right now...? i don't want to go..? stupid isn't it..?
i'm fighting in my head... delaying getting ready and yet i know i will go..? ?

sorry just rambling...



apt is over... has been for a few hrs now.. guess i've been recovering... met the consultant.. she was ok. helluva a lot more focused than i was.. lol. it was so hard to try and keep my mind on her questions when all i wanted to do was leave the room. My stomach hurt so much it was awful. eventually did leave the room.. but i think she was fin with me anyway. My dr says i did very well to stay so long as he could see i was struggling. Me i think I should have stayed that bit longer.. instead i panicked, and left. (for a few mins)
i knew my dr wanted to talk to me after consultant left, (he told me before she came into the room) so i had a cig outside and went back in again.
Anyway: the focus now is to get the anxiety, claustrophobia etc under control... [ CBT.] and as well as that my meds have been increased. The conversion thing wasn't even mentioned, but then like i said i didn't stay long enough..maybe. i suppose the cbt will take care of that too.

oh and the Consultant did tell me that my Dr will be finishing up in June. Moving on i think.
I hope i finished therapy before then .

ok that was my morning. absolutely "lovely" it was.


You did great, NSA! It'll get easier as you continue, and I so hope you continue. Once the anxiety settles, things will seem different...more relaxed. She'll get to the coversion disorder soon enough, no worries :)

Well done!
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