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David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I don't see anything in the drug interactions warnings for Zoloft or Librax that would suggest any problems at all with taking an antacid, at any time during the day.

However, what i generally do when I'm unsure is phone the drug store/pharmacy and ask the pharmacist. They are often better sources of information about such things than even physicians, and they have access to the latest database of medication alerts.

In HK, all prescription drugs (ssri, antibiotics, et. al) are dispensed directly by the doctor/clinic/hospital. Pharmacists/drug stores are mainly off the shelf meds or pain meds.
Hope you all have had a good weekend.

These SSRI stuff is doing something weird to me...

Today, I am restless, not unhappy but a little too bouyant. I shall mention it to my psych. I'll be giving my wife and my dogs their long deserved downtime from tonite until wed or thurs, I hope I'll manage as well to stop being so anxious and get some sleep.

On a good note, went hiking over the weekend for the first time in my life, now everywhere is aching, but still I need Zopicolone induced sleep,, ARGHH



I think the break is going to be a good one for both you and your wife and I hope that it gives you both the time and rest that you need, as difficult as it will be.

Let us know how it goes.

Take care
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